Chapter 1: Goodbye California, Hello . . . Jamie?

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~*Edited to my liking*~

December 3 - Emma's P.O.V.

We've been driving for 3 days now and we're all tired. I left California to get away -- away from the pain and memories. My entire family was taken away from me within half the year. Something like that seems impossible, but it happened to me.

After I turned 18, I took out everything my parents left, I sold my house, their cars, everything. I did keep some of their possessions, especially photos. I packed my bags and took off, but not without my pack. I was lucky to have my friends start a new life with me, their alpha. Oh yeah, I'm a werewolf and so are my friends. They became a part of my pack and I'm grateful for it.

"Emma, can you stop? I have to pee." Joey asks again for the billionth time.

"We just stopped an hour ago. I told you not to drink that entire Slurpee." I scowl at her.

Joey, short for Josephine, is my best friend. We've known each other since we were five. She and I were known as "Reese's Pieces," like the candy, back home. Corny I know, but this is because she and I both found a love for the candy. We met in kindergarten and have been inseparable since. She also happens to be my beta.

"Please Em!" She puts on her puppy-dog face.

I hate that face.

"Ugh. Fine. But the next stop is 10 minutes away." I smirk as her smile slightly falters.

"Then you better hurry up or else I'm going to pee all over the front seat."

"You better not Joey!" Joey and I turn to face Jacob, in the back seat.

I laugh as I turn back around and see Joey twisting and shaking her legs.

"Then tell Em to hurry up. I'm going to burst!"

"You know, this wouldn't be a problem if you were in wolf form, Joey." Michael winks at her.

"Yeah. Well it's not like there's any forest to hide me. Besides I want to use a toilet, not a tree!" Joey retorts.

Anna who WAS asleep cuts in, "Will you guys shut up!"

"Chill everybody. We're almost there Joey." I reassure her.

We finally reach a gas station. Joey jumps out of the car, before I stop and runs straight to the bathroom. Everyone gets out to stretch and grab snacks. I look on the map and see that we're only a few miles away from the border of Louisiana.

Michael looks at the map over my shoulder.

"Ooh. We should stop by New Orleans and have a little party."

I turn my head to face him as he smiles.

"You do know it's December. I think Mardi Gras isn't for another 3 months." I laugh.

He wraps his arm around my waist, "I know, but it wouldn't have hurt to have some fun."

I smile, "Yeah, but we have to get to Cross Hill before school starts." I place my hand on his arm.

"Okay, Mom." I laugh.

Back home, Michael was quite the player. He loves to flirt and party. All the girls fall for his beautiful smile. All thanks to his parents and 4 years of braces. With me, Michael likes to hold me. We weren't dating but we loved each other like siblings. The girls at school hated this, but Michael and I found it to be funny. I may be the alpha of the pack, but Michael and Jacob are very protective of me, just like my brothers were. It's what I loved about them the most. They reminded me of my boys.

Unwilling (Werewolf Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora