Chapter 15: We Can't Trust Him

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~*Edited to my liking*~

Saturday January 7

We made it through our first days of school and today is the barbecue.

"Michael are the tables set up?"


"Are you cooking the meat already?"

"It'll be done in ten minutes."

I nod and go back inside to finish cooking the rice. Jamie is making potato salad and macaroni salad. Joey is making chocolate pudding and brownies for dessert. Anna and Sarah are getting the paper plates and utensils to take outside. Anna wasn't much for cooking, but she does know how to set up. 

Sarah is running back inside with a cup full of water in her hand. I'm not quite sure why, but there's nothing good about it. I tell her to slow down, but it's a little too late.


She trips and the water flies out of the cup and onto my top and down my pants. I stand there, hearing the water drip down to the floor.

Sarah gasps. "Mommy, I'm sorry . . . Mommy?"

"Why is this water cold?" I shiver.

"Are you okay Em?" Joey snickers.

I look over at her, trying to look a little upset. Problem was, I wasn't. Jamie starts to giggle and so does Sarah.

I laugh. "Yeah. I'm going to change before Lizzie gets here."

In one swift movement, Jacob gets from the grill into the kitchen.

"Lizzie's here?"


"Then why did you say her name?" He looks at me. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing." I go upstairs and take off my wet clothes. I'm only in my bra and underwear.

I go into my bathroom and dry off my stomach and legs. As I look into the mirror, I glance over at the mark on my neck. The mark Jason left on me. 

In the life of a werewolf, we are able to heal faster than humans. Alpha's heal almost instantly other than the average werewolf. Because of this, we don't have as many scars showing as a human would. Any wounds that are deep enough leave a slight scar, but it's so faded it's not noticeable. Mates, however, are the only ones who's marks are visible. It's as if our bodies know when our mates mark us.

I look at the bite impression on my neck. I remember how Jason grabbed me and bit into the crook of my neck and shoulder. It healed right after he did it, but I was still pissed off. I look at the rest of my body and see no other scars left on me, from the fights I've been in. I don't even have any faded scars. My attackers were never able to cut or bite me deep enough. 

"Mommy! Lizzie's here!" Sarah comes into my room.

"Be there in a minute."

She runs back downstairs and I go to my closet. I pull on some dark jeans and a black tank top. I grab my Led Zeppelin tee and put that over my tank. Michael got the t-shirt for me for Christmas.

I put on my green converse, since my black ones are wet. I head downstairs and find everyone outside.

"Hey Lizzie." 

"Hey Emma." 

I see her standing next to Jacob, holding his hand. They've gotten closer these last two days. She's still shy and blushes whenever he looks at her, but she has opened up a bit more.

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