How it all began - 1

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Edited - March 13, 2023

Harry doesn't remember much of his childhood before the Dursleys. He had dreamt a few times of a man and a woman looking down at him lovingly but could never truly see their faces. The woman had a heart shaped face with beautiful red hair and the man had darker
messy hair that reminded him of his own but worse. He remembers giggling as he rides on top of a shaggy dog while a tired looking man watched them with a smile. But he can never see many details, mainly just fuzzy outlines similar to when he tries to see without his glasses on in real life. But even though he can't really remember them, he still misses them dearly.

From the moment he was left on his aunt and uncle's doorstep, his life took a turn for the worst. It was a strange and scary night. There was screaming and loud bangs echoing through the house. He remembers seeing a bright green light and the pain in his head as it hit. There was a large gruff looking man that flew him in a flying motorcycle. But the worst memory of that night is of an old man with cold blue eyes gleaming with malice as he is left on the cold steps all night long. The next morning, it was his aunt's shrill cry to startled him awake and her shrill voice has continued to wake him up before her beloved and self proclaimed perfect family every morning since. According to her, "freaks don't get to sleep in."

He tried asking his aunt about his parents one day when he was younger but learned to never speak of them again quite quickly. You see, his relatives don't like him much. They don't like him at all really. They most likely only took him in and feed him because they don't want the cops called on them for child abuse and neglect. However they only do the bare minimum for appearances as they like to seem as a perfect family and his "freakiness" apparently ruins that. Which is why he sleeps under the stairs in the cupboard instead of Dudley's second room. It is also why he has to do so many chores around the house to "earn his keep." But that was normal to boy or freak as he had never learned otherwise.

No one taught him life could be different until he reached kindergarten and he got to see how much better everyone seemed to be treated compared to him. He didn't even realize his name was Harry until his uncle threatened to strangle him if he didn't answer to Harry at school. As he watched the interactions with other children, his mind wondered. 'Was that what it was like to have parents that cared for you? What that what his parents used to treat him like?' He had been shrieked at by his aunt that they died drunk in a car accident but his fuzzy memories of them refused to let him believe it. They wouldn't have just left him with them like that...

Harry had always been smart for his age and it was probably the only reason he remembered his name was Harry and not freak or boy after being called it so much at his residents after his uncle threatened him. He would call it home but a place is only home when you feel safe and loved and he most definitely did not. Unfortunately for Harry, it continued to get worse as he grew older. The smarter he got, the more hate he received. As the "freak of the family" he wasn't suppose to do anything that made him stand out and take attention away from their precious Dudy-kins. But Dudley was stupid and hated school while school was Harry's safe space. The teachers already knew he was smart and he wasn't about to ruin his grades for his fat pig of a cousin no matter the punishment, and he was punished often.

As Harry continued to do well in school, Dudley never improved. In fact, he seemed to get worse as he aged. He preferred to spend his time "convincing" the other kids that Harry was a freak. In other words, if you were nice to Harry, he would introduce you to his chunky fists. Harry hunting quickly became a thing and every time Harry did better on a test than Dudley, Vernon would ignore Harry as Dudley and his gang would brutally beat Harry up. Unfortunately for Harry, that was every single test, so he learned how to climb trees and hide quickly. But he forced himself to lose sometimes because when Vernon found out he would win, his uncle would beat him up and let Dudley help. This was always much worse as in Vernon's mind, it was the only way to get the freakiness out of the boy and to teach him to be "bloody normal". Those were his exact words and Harry disagreed as it wasn't his fault unexplainable things happen.

But Vernon's punishments were always far worse than Harry hunting or any other additional punches from Dudley just because he felt like it or was bored. Vernon was the one to handle the punishments for any time Harry the freak misbehaved, which was all the time. Nothing Harry did was ever right and Dudley loved to break things and blame them on his tiny cousin just for the fun of it. After all, who would believe the little freak over their precious Duders? But while Vernon enjoyed using his fists, he used his belt and a whip for certain occasions as well. Luckily he never used knives or anything else sharp as he couldn't have the boy bleeding out on him. The neighbors never did anything about it either as Petunia talked about him and his horrid rebellions he's had since his parent's accident. She claims his parent's drinking habits damaged him as a babe and that nothing done to help improve his constant misbehavior seems to stick for too long.

His punishments vary depending on the chore he messed up on. If he missed some weeds in the garden, it was a smack or being hit over the head with the small plastic shovel tool he had used. Sometimes Vernon would hold him by the neck as he forced him to eat the ones he missed for dinner and then starve for the next day or two. Harry believed the next two punishments were partially the reason why his eye sight got increasingly worse. If he didn't clean well enough he would be hit a few times and then forced to sleep in the shed for the night so he couldn't run away. When he took too long doing the laundry, Vernon would shove him in the dryer and turn it on for an hour or so before letting him back out and forcing to finish his chore. Mess up a meal and he either got no food for a time being, was hit over the head by a hot skillet, or both. Which again, was probably part of why his eyesight had gotten so bad. But Vernon was smart in a way and always made sure to hit where his injuries would be covered by his oversized shirts and pants.

He had a few other punishments for random things but those were the main ones. However, Harry especially hated when aunt Marge would come over because her dogs were trained to attack on command. But one of those awful days, Harry had decided to hide outside by mentioning to his uncle how the heat may damage the garden. Harry smiled slightly to himself as his uncle harshly told him to "hurry up then boy and tend to the garden!" The heat was extreme but to Harry, it was much better than having to be near any dog. He had developed a not so small fear of dogs over the years but any one that looked like the shaggy dog from his baby hood would bring a smile to his face. His mind wondered as he pulled some weeds before going to grab the hose he kept behind a large bush. "Stupid human almost stepped on me!" Harry froze and whipped his head around. "Who said that!? Where are you?" "Speaker!? Down here child!" Harry looked down at his feet to see a beautiful black snake curled up near his feet as which he remembered was a Pyrenean viper he had read about once at the library at school recently.

 "Who said that!? Where are you?" "Speaker!? Down here child!" Harry looked down at his feet to see a beautiful black snake curled up near his feet as which he remembered was a Pyrenean viper he had read about once at the library at school recently

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   "I'm very sorry Mrs. Snake! I didn't mean to almost step on you... but how am I able to understand you?" "Do not fear hatchling, no harm was done. You can understand me because you speak parseltongue!" Harry stared at the snake in confusion before she let out a hissy laugh and continued to explain, "Parseltongue is a magically gift very few in this area have, that allows them to speak and understand snakes. It is actually quite common in areas like India." "I have magic!?" Harry exclaimed. "But how? Uncle Vernon says magic isn't real? He'll kill me if he finds out!" "Then it will be our little secret hatchling. Those muggles don't deserve to be in the presence of such a powerful wizard anyway!" The snake angrily hisses. "Muggles?" Harry asks. "Also what is your name? I can't just keep calling you Mrs. snake. My name is Harry by the way." If the snake was a spider I wouldn't have to smile at Harry's kindness. "Hairy?" She snickered to the best of a snake's ability, "What an odd name... muggles are non magical humans and I don't have a name so you can pick one for me if you want." "How about Raven?" Harry asked. "I love it hatchling!" Raven hissed excitedly. With a smile on his face, Harry spends the rest of the day outside tending the garden and listening to Raven tell him all about the wizarding world.

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