Book Three: Chapter 12

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The villagers clapped their hands and cheered as Huntar drew out his broadsword and leaped into the pit. His opponent strolled the pit middle, facing him.

"Remember! Place your bets!" The hyena shouted. "Place your bets if you want to get rich! I'll collect the losses after this duel! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

After the hyena slaver clambered out from the pit, Huntar and Rani paced in circles, keeping their eyes on each other.

“I will bet this red ruby stone for the lion!” Basju shouted. “Hehehehehehehehe!”

Huntar smirked. At least someone placed a bet on him to win. The confidence flowed through his veins.

"Begin the fight!" The hyena shouted.

Rani raised her blades and charged. Huntar held up his sword and blocked her attack.

As their swords clashed, the lion beamed his eyes into Rani's eyes. "Why are you fighting for that fiend?"

Rani snarled. “Why do you care?”

She sprinted back and thrust both her blades forward. Huntar parry her swords and swung a kick toward her. She leaped back, avoiding his attack.

Huntar smiled. “Good.”

He charged and clashed his blade against his opponent’s block. “I am fighting for your freedom. If you kneel, this can end immediately.”

Rani shook her head. “I am a warrior! I kneel to no one!”

“What about your master? Hmmmm? Do you kneel to him only?”

The panther woman pushed Huntar back until her foot struck his thigh. He fell backwards and landed on his back.

Rani stood over him and threw her blades down toward him. Huntar rolled away as his leg kicked the pather off her feet.

When she hit the ground, Huntar pointed his sword toward her face. “A true warrior is not a slave. You can earn more riches and food with your digity.”

Rani hissed. “You don’t know me!”

She slashed his sword aside and lept to her feet. “You know nothing!”

Huntar twirled his sword. “I don’t, but I know all warriors have a reason. What does he have that keeps you on his leash? Family? Friends? Lover? Food?”

“Benefits.” Rani kicked mud into Huntar’s face.

While the lion rubbed the muck off his eyes, the panther screamed and rushed toward him. He blocked her sword before it touched his chest. She swung her other blade, and he tilted his head to avoid decapitation. He wouldn’t talk sense to her without his head.

He throw a kick into her stomach, pushing her off balance. Her two swords fell to the ground, leaving her unarmed on the ground.

Huntar stood next to her. “You can have more benefits if you have your own freedom.”

He held his left hand toward the panther. “Surrender, and you don’t need to fight for that scumbag.”

“Don’t listen to him, Rani!” The hyena slave master shouted from the crowd. “I paid good fortune for you! Kill him, and I shall give you a special treat!”

Rani glanced at her master and to Huntar. Confusion spread across her face until she roared in frustration. 

She grabbed her swords as she rose from the ground. Her glaring eyes beamed at her opponent. “You want to free me? Defeat me first!”

Huntar could tell the panther warrior woman has a strong spirit inside her. She preferred to fight than surrender like a coward. And Huntar respected her decision although he couldn’t understand her loyalty with her slave master.

When Rani charged, she swung her swords around like a spinning blade. Huntar blocked her first strike, but her other blade clipped his left lower leg.

She spun around him and slashed his back. The pain was so agonizing, Huntar fell to the ground. But he wasn't finished yet.

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