Book Two: Chapter 25

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Although he could barely see her feminine form, Huntar was sure the strange ghost-like being was Jenny. What other female human would appear in the ruins?

Cluster gazed at her while his mouth widened in shock. "This can not be! Click-click! The machine sucked all your power for the gate!"

Jenny opened her eyes and glared at Cluster. Her eyes glowed brighter than her light skin. "My power has returned to me! Now you will pay!"

She raised both hands up. A white light ball grew between her palms.

Huntar immediately knew what she was about to do. So he swung his feet around and sprinted. "Run!"

After the others retreated with him, Jenny blasted a light beam down from her sphere. Her attack struck Cluster, clouding him in bright light. He screamed as his entire mech suit faded into nothingness. Then the light exploded with a loud boom!

Huntar fell backward, pushed by the wind from the explosive. It sounded like thunder, clapping against the metal ground.

The lion hopped back onto his feet after the blast cleared. There was only a crater left where the alien menace stood. Now there was nothing left of him.

Jenny passed out and fell toward the ground. Quickly, Huntar charged over the crater and caught her body in his arms.

As he held her, her white glowing skin returned to her light pink color.

"Jenny!" Huntar shook her body until she moaned and opened her eyes.

"Huntar.....?" Her voice whispered like a tired bird.

The lion smiled and hugged her gently. "You did it, Jenny. You did it!"

"Did..... what?"

Huntar chuckled.

He knew how surprised she will be after he tells her about her incredible power.


After Jenny recovered and crafted a loincloth dress to wear, Kryta dug out the entrance to the teleporter chamber among the ruins. The machines still functioned although half of the base was destroyed. With the gate down, the Krawls would never touch Earth for a long time. Maybe never if Krysta's freedom fighters could defeat the Krawls' corporate empire. But first, she has to return home.

Inside the chamber, Krysta typed on the control panel. The platform buzzed, ready to teleport anyone who steps onto the platform.

"You could stay here for a while," Zena suggested. "Since you missed the greenness, we could so you how many wonders our world can offer."

Krysta smiled at the zebra girl. "I wish I could, but I still have a rebellion to win first. If I don't end the Krawls, they can still invade your world. They will never stop until they consume every resource they can find."

"We understand," said Jenny, "but thank you for helping us on your planet."

Krysta smirked. "You're welcome." She sighed and turned toward the platform. "I guess this is it. Good-bye."

She stepped onto the platform and waved to Jenny and the Beastmen. In one second, her body flashed away, back to her home planet.

Jenny and the others sighed.

"Now what?" Huntar asked.

Jenny grinned. "Now we start another adventure. There will be more people who will need our help."

Huntar smiled back. "Then let's not disappoint them."

As Jenny followed her friends, she glanced back at the teleporter.

She might not ever see Krysta again, but she hopes the freedom fighter will reclaim her world from the Krawls' tyranny. If not, the Beastmen will be ready for another invasion. Only time will tell.


The emperor (as preferred by the Krawls) clambered to his throne and faced his board members. They sat around a square table inside the gray chamber.

While narrowing his eyes, the emperor clenched his claws over the table. He took slow breaths to keep his nerves down. "Board, we are in a crisis now. Since we lost the Devastator, our economy has fallen very low. Any ideas on how we should fix our problem? Click-click?"

The Krawls shook their claws up, not giving him a clear answer. He didn't blame them. This was the first time his empire reached a serious problem.

Suddenly, the doorway exploded. Smoke clouded the entire chamber. The emperor coughed as screams and energy shots echoed around him.

After the smoke cleared, the emperor saw all his associates lying on the table with holes through their heads. Green blood leaked from their skulls.

The emperor lowered his jaw before he heard a clip behind his seat. He turned around and widened his eyes.

Standing before him was the freedom fighter who his soldiers kept trying to execute for years. Krysta.

The female Volkian pointed her energy gun toward his face. She smiled widely. "Miss me?"

The emperor gulped. "How did you get here? This station is heavily guarded!"

Krysta clicked her tongue. "I used Cluster's teleporter to return here. Since you were so busy with your stock market crash, I was able to sneak in before you noticed."

The emperor snarled. "If you kill me, our entire world will fall into a great depression. Click-click! Anarchy will triumph and billions will suffer! Is that what you want our world to become?"

"It will be better than living under your tyranny." Krysta clicked her gun again. "We are now free."

She pulled the trigger, and everything turned dark.

Author's note:

"This is the last chapter of book two. The next book will be posted next year since I have other projects that I want to complete. I hope you enjoyed this book." 

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