"Oh boy. There are an endless amount of guesses. I hope she doesn't put us in jail." Ruby laughed.

"Wow, she's that rebellious?" Clark asked.

"In her own unique way!" Ruby said.

Clark holds Ruby's hand. "Well, whatever is planned for us, let's just promise each other that we won't get into trouble," he said.

"I promise!" Ruby said.

"Good. We can't spend our first days of marriage in jail." Clark chuckled.

Ruby rests her head on Clark's shoulder. "Is this a good time to ask where we'll go on our honeymoon?" Ruby asked.

"You know I'm not gonna tell you," Clark said.

"Ugh, why not?" Ruby asked.

"Because I wanna surprise you! And trust me, it'll be a great surprise!" Clark said.

"Alright then. I guess I'll wait...but I am gonna be thinking about it during our wedding day." Ruby said.

"And I still won't be telling you, mistress." Clark teased.

"Okay, I'll stop bothering you about it." Ruby laughed.

"Do you not like surprises?" Clark asked.

"No, I do! I like to know about certain things so that I can look forward to them later on!" Ruby said.

"Well, Ruby, all I have to say is that you'll be looking forward to it," Clark said.

Camila returns to Ruby and Clark.

"Sorry about that! I was just triple checking that everything is going to be exactly to be the way it is for you two. So now you have to show up and say I do!" Camila said.

"That's great! Thanks, Camila! We appreciate you!" Clark said.

"No problem, guys! We can call it a day, and I will see you two very soon!" Camila said.

"Yes, you will!" Clark said.

"Go ahead and start the car, Clark; I need to talk to Camila for a second," Ruby said.

Clark walks away from Camila and Ruby.

"You have that thing ready for me?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, I do! I was just on the phone with them, and they told me they'll send it to your hotel room after the reception." Camila said.

"Awesome! Thanks again. I appreciate your hard work." Ruby said.

"Not a problem. I gotta be honest; you guys are probably one of my favorite couples I've planned a wedding for." Camila said.

"Aww, you're just saying that," Ruby said.

"No way! I'm dead serious. From the beginning, I could tell you two were inseparable and wanted a perfect wedding. And after talking to you guys separately about your relationship when things were getting bad, I can see that things are starting to get good, if not better. I'm just really excited for you two, and I cannot wait to watch you guys tie the knot." Camila said.

"Thank you, Camila. That means a lot." Ruby said.

"You're welcome. I will see you and your future husband very soon, bright and early, at the mansion." Camila said.

"I will see you soon!" Ruby said.

"Have fun at your bachelorette party! Don't do anything crazy, please!" Camila said.

"I won't!" Ruby laughed.

They say their goodbyes as Ruby walks over to Clark's car and enters it.

"And now we finally go home and relax!" Ruby said.

"Not yet!" Clark said.

"No? What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"I have to show you something," Clark said.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Ruby asked.

Clark reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a blindfold. "Put this on. It would be best if you didn't see it until the last minute!" he said.

Ruby looks confused but does what she's told and puts on the blindfold. "Please don't drive us off a cliff." Ruby laughed.

"I won't! Just trust me." Clark said, holding Ruby's hand once more.

Clark starts the car and drives them to their secret destination.

Where could he be taking her? And what exactly did Ruby have Camila planned for Clark? Y'all got any ideas?
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