chapter 23

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The following day, Ruby was opening up Moonshine for her afternoon shift. She decided to come 30 minutes early to get the place ready for business. After cleaning, she realized that some empty bottles needed to be replaced. So she went to the back room to fetch the bottles, but on the way there, she heard a noise from Ian's office. She wasn't expecting him to be here so early, so she decided to say hello.

"Hey, boss! I didn't know you were-"

Ruby stops her sentence when she sees Jenna giving Ian a blowjob.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Ruby exclaimed.

Jenna yelps and gets up off the floor to adjust her shirt while Ian quickly zips up his pants.

"Ruby!!! I didn't know you were gonna be here so early!" Ian said.

"You know what? Just forget that I walked in here!" Ruby said.

She quickly closes the door and continues her path to the backroom to get the bottles. After she replaces the bottles, she flips the 'closed' sign to 'open,' waiting for customers to walk in. Soon enough, Jenna comes up to Ruby, ready to work.

"Sooo...I see you and Ian are quite fond of each other." Ruby said, trying not to laugh.

"Shut up!" Jenna said, giving Ruby a playful push.

"When? How??" Ruby asked.

"Remember that night you left to drive Clark home, and I was closing the bar? Well, after you had left, it was just the two of us. We were talking about your engagement party, which led to us talking about what we wanted in a relationship. Then I decided to tell Ian I liked him, and he kissed me." Jenna said.

"And today, y'all just decided to have sex in his office," Ruby said.

"Well, it ain't the first time," Jenna said with a smirk.

"Oh, you nasty bitch!" Ruby said with a laugh.

"Hello, ladies!" William said, walking into the bar.

"Hi, William!" Jenna said.

"Hey! How are you doing?" Ruby asked.

"I'm doing good! What are you guys giggling about, huh?" William asked.

Ruby and Jenna look at each other and laugh even more.

"Ruby had seen something she wished she didn't," Jenna said.

"Like what?" William asked.

Ian comes out of his office to approach Ruby.

"Listen, I am very sorry you saw that," Ian said.

"It's all good. Just lock your door next time." Ruby said with a laugh.

"I'm gonna go and boss things," Ian said before whispering something in Jenna's ear.

Jenna giggles and gives Ian a wink as he walks back to his office.

"Oh my god. Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" William asked.

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