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Tw: mentions of blood, dead animals and people and abuse, also some sort of fluff.

For a few weeks, you've been getting aggressive toward a few gang members, mostly just Dutch and Micah, and not with the others, because whenever Micah or Dutch approached you, you felt anger and bitterness toward the men because their aura felt different than the others, theirs were a dark aura, unlike the others.

You'd just normally growl or snap at them when they try to pet you, Micah, like always, gets mad and troughs a tantrum unlike Dutch, who'd chuckle from being defensive and then leave me alone.

And you have a good reason to, prowler once took you to the side to speak to you about what had happened to cain, the brown dog.

You grimaced as what prowler's voice rings in your head.



You look over and see prowler's concerned expression, you tilted your head slightly.


You say softly, and he sighs, avoiding eye contact as he speaks, making the situation tense.

"You're still wondering what happened to cain... right?"

He spoke lowly and you nodded as he took a deep breath, not sure if he should tell you what had happened to the dog.

"I know...what happened to him, and it ain't pretty..."

You urge him to say what's on his mind, ready to take whatever blow there is.

"Micah... Micah got him, he uh killed, him... I went to the old campsite for a bit and saw the corpse... It still had Micah's scent, think he died by a bullet from his revolvers, guess he didn't like the dog..."

Prowler said and your ears dropped down in an instant, wrapping your tail to feel some sort of comfort, you didn't know what to say, you were shocked and alarmed that you didn't expect this early, it have been obvious.

All the time Micah would shrug the dog off and sometimes even kick him, you've seen him kick the poor dog once, making you go in a rage and try to lunch at him to attack him, but you've gotten punished with being cooped up in a small room for an hour, as Dutch deemed appropriate to punish you for this but the majority of the gang disagree with it because you've never attack without a reason to.

Prowler just lay his head on top of yours and wrapped his tail around you to give you a bit of comfort as you processed this.


And because of that, and when you realized why Dutch was angry at Arthur for saving John from death you've decided to not go out on missions with Arthur and the gang as much, taking a small break from it as you spend the majority of the day just laying around and ignoring everyone, including little jack from time to time.

You very little to no respect for Dutch, let alone Micah in what he did, cain was a good friend for the both of you and provided the camp with laughter whenever he can.

You sigh as you look at dawn, Arthur's horse, you ignored the footsteps heading your way, thinking that someone was picking up their horse, but was greeted by Arthur, he crouched to your level as you were laying down before petting you gently.

"Hey bud, mind coming with me? I'd appreciate it..."

Arthur says calmly and you yawn and Look at his horse then back at him before standing up and dusting your fur.

Arthur smiles and stands up before getting up his horse and trotting off from the camp, with you behind him.

You brush your tail under prowler's chin teasingly at the centres with Javier standing guard beside him, Javier chuckles when prowlers growls playfully.

The Gangs Little Pet--- Rdr2 X WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz