Daisy's and Dandelions

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Okay, I've been holding this ship for way too long! also a lot of fluff b this chapter. :] Edit: i ended up recreating it.


You were lost in your own thoughts, daydreaming about Prowler and the connection you felt with him. His kindness, his presence—it all made your heart flutter. You blushed slightly as his hazel eyes met yours, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

You tilted your head in confusion as Prowler gestured toward the outskirts of the camp, indicating that he wanted to show you something.

Curiosity sparked within you, and despite your initial suspicion, you couldn't resist his charm. With a nod, you agreed to go with him, intrigued by the adventure that awaited.

Prowler grinned and led the way, walking toward the edge of the camp while you followed closely behind him, your anticipation growing.


"Wow... Prowler, this is..."

"Beautiful? Yeah, spring is quite beautiful this year..."

Prowler interrupted your baffled silence, and as you both reached the top of a hill, your eyes widened at the sight before you.

A vast field stretched out beneath the open sky, adorned with a sea of daisies and dandelions. The clear white puffy clouds drifted lazily above, creating a picturesque scene that took your breath away.

The gentle breeze brushed against your light fur, bringing a sense of calm and serenity. You couldn't help but smirk as you glanced at Prowler, knowing that mischief was on your mind, as always.

Running your tail under his chin, you elicited a small, content growl from him, and with that, you bolted down the hill, daring him to chase after you.

Laughter escaped your lips as you weaved through the colorful flowers, trying your best to dodge his playful tackles. But no matter how agile you were, he was always a step ahead.

Finally, Prowler caught up to you, pouncing on you and pinning you down on the soft grass. Both of you paused for a moment, catching your breath and taking in the shared moment.

It was then that you took a leap of faith, reaching up and kissing his cheek, a shy and affectionate gesture.

He grew slightly flustered, but he understood the unspoken message. With a playful grin, he released his hold on you, allowing you to sit up and regain your composure.

"I... sorry, Hunter," Prowler stammered, his cheeks flushed.

You giggled softly before rubbing your head under his chin, a gesture of reassurance and affection. He growled in response, relishing the connection between you.

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile," you reassured him with a soft tone, teasing him gently. He rolled his eyes playfully, appreciating your lightheartedness.

The rest of the day passed quickly as the two of you played, talked, and enjoyed each other's company.

Your cheeks flushed once again when he wrapped his tail around you, creating a sense of warmth and comfort as you lay on the grass together.

You blushed even more when he gently laid his head on top of yours, both of you silently admiring the vibrant hues of the setting sun.

"Pup?" he murmured.

"Hm?" you hummed, feeling a sense of peace wash over you.

Prowler seemed a bit nervous as he struggled to meet your gaze. "I have something to tell you... Do you think... we can be more than we are?"

Your heart skipped a beat as everything clicked into place. You smiled warmly and kissed his cheek, your answer echoing in the air.

"Does that answer your question?" you replied, your tone teasing and filled with affection.

Prowler chuckled, relief washing over him. The two of you remained in a contented silence, basking in each other's presence as the stars emerged in the beautiful night sky.

Eventually, it was time to return to the camp, the moon high above as the two of you made your way back, cherishing the newfound depth of your bond.


Rushed but I like it, but anyway I hope you have a good day.

Also I'll later post a drawing of them I did.

Edit, I couldn't do it unfortunately.

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