New life..

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(I swear I dunno why but that's the whole vibe I got while writing this ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ it's too beautiful..)

As the night settled in, you found yourself lying beside the campfire, basking in its warmth. The crackling of the flames and the soft murmurs of the gang members provided a comforting backdrop. You gazed up at the starry sky, feeling a sense of peace wash over you.

Arthur sat nearby, his journal in hand as he scribbled away, lost in his thoughts. You observed him, your eyes filled with admiration and a hint of sadness. The bond between you had grown strong over the years, and you understood the weight he carried on his shoulders.

You let out a contented sigh, leaning your head against his leg, seeking solace in his presence. He glanced down at you, a small smile playing on his lips.

"You know, girl, sometimes I wish things were different. That we could just leave all this behind and find a peaceful place to call home."

You cocked your head, as if understanding his words, and let out a soft whine. You wished for the same thing, yearning for a life free from violence and uncertainty.

"But I reckon that ain't the way the world works," Arthur continued, his voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "We gotta keep fighting, protect the ones we care about."

He gently scratched behind your ear, his touch soothing. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment, feeling the deep bond between you and your master.

"I'm grateful for you, girl," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "You've been by my side through thick and thin. You're more than just a loyal companion. You're family."

Your tail wagged slowly, expressing your own gratitude and love for him. You knew that you would always stand by his side, ready to protect and support him.

As the night grew darker, Arthur closed his journal and leaned back, staring into the flickering flames. You nestled closer to him, finding comfort in his presence.

"We'll keep fighting, girl," he said, his voice firm. "For a better future, for our family, and for all those who need our help. We won't give up."

You nuzzled against his leg, a silent vow passing between you. The bond between you and Arthur was unbreakable, forged through trials and hardships. Together, you would face whatever challenges lay ahead, finding strength in each other.

The night enveloped you both, but the warmth of the campfire and the love shared between you created a sense of peace and hope. And in that moment, you knew that as long as you had Arthur by your side, you could face anything that the world threw your way.


I let out a yawn as I opened my eyes, hearing the soft singing of the birds above us as I felt the wagon shook beneath me, I let out a soft sigh as I stretched and shook my fur to rid of any dust that acumilated there as I slept.

"Oh, good morning, girl"

Jack chirp from behind me, I glanced at the boy. He was growing taller and taller by the day, It felt like it was only yesterday that I had met and played with the boy all day until his bedtime, now choosing books and drawing to hide and seek and playing in the creeks.

I let out a sleepy growl at the boy, taking a peek over the edge of the wagon, seeing prowler trailing behind the wagon to his own Accord, occasionally looking around for any predators, smiling once he saw my sleepy face looking at him, he chuckled softly.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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