
830 14 0

Tw: fluff until the end, mention of death, blood, and decapitating

You yawn as you hear the sound of the birds singing in the sky, the warm morning sun warming your body in a good way.

Prowler has warmed up to the camp and with cain, the dog that wandered into the camp, he has even learned to protect little jack if he wandered too far and to lead him back to the camp if it starts to get dark.

Prowler has only been in this camp for a week and a half and he has learned a lot from the so-called 'devils pet' he sometimes gets from the ring, making your crush on him even bigger.

As you try to get up you are cut off by a low growl next to you, as you look next to you you see prowler's head on the crook of your neck, as you try to move again he growls again, his tired hazel eyes opening slightly to look at you, giving you a small plea in those beautiful hazel eyes.

Prowler has taken a liken to sleep indoors with you since he mostly stays up all night guarding the camp with you next to him.

You sigh, looking at the slightly dirty window doors you lay your head back down, seeing that it was too early in the morning and that there was little to no noise outside, not counting the bird's beautiful singing.

After all, what's a little bit of sleep going to do?


As you wake up you see that it's still morning, but not as early as when you first woke up.

You yawn and successfully slip away from prowler's sleeping form on the bed and you stretch, the soft snores from Arthur's sleeping form on the cot let you know that he's taking a day off from robbing and things like that.

You walk to the door and nudged it open, managing to close it with a cloth strapped to the broken doorknob with your jaw.

You walk down the stairs, nudging open the door next to the stairs and walking on the green mossy grass.

As you walk to pearson's wagon you see cain eating his everyday dry dog food happily, you sit next to the dog and wait for Pearson to give you your food.

Pearson smiles at you as he puts down the bool in front of you, slightly chuckling when you immediately rush to eat it all.

As you grab the bool and put it on the table, you walk up to cain to ask if he wants to learn how to hunt, since the other day he said that he didn't know much about hunting.

"Hey, cain, I'm going hunting do you want to join me? We could do fishing for your first lesson"

You say calmly to him and he smiles, wagging his tail like there is no tomorrow before replying happily.

"Sure! Got nothing to do here anyway!

And with that, you walk back to the house, Arthur's fishing rod in your jaw, being careful not to break it as you walk up the stairs to Arthur's room, already knowing that he's awake because you heard a few footsteps in his room as you walked up the stairs.

As you nudged the door open, you were greeted by a slightly sleepy Arthur cleaning his revolver, you put the rod on the floor, sending a slightly audible 'thump' around the room and you bark to get his attention.

He chuckles slightly at your pouting expression, seeing cain poking his head at the entrance of the door.

He sighs, the smile on his face never leaving.

"Sure, why not?"

Arthur says brightly as he stands and gets a few things that he might need as prowler yawns and leaves the room with you and cain following.

The Gangs Little Pet--- Rdr2 X WolfKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat