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Warning ⚠️ uhh not really symptoms of poison ivy but eh what the hell, deer being killed and that's it? Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter

As you woke up, a sharp pain hit your ribs making you whimper slightly as you stood up, you looked at Arthur and whined and he raised a brow in response.

You yawned and walked out of the room, trying your best to work with the discomfort in your sides.

As you walked out of the house you went to Charles's tent, nudging his bow as he looks at you confused by your sudden interest in his weapons, before smiling at you, knowing what you wanted as you grabbed his bow carefully and brought it to him before nudging at the bow in his hands.

"You wanna go hunting?"

Charles says softly and you perk up, your eyes waiving with determination and bravery, you wag your tail and bark happily at him, making him chuckle as he stands up and grabs all the necessary weapons he might need.

You walk towards prowler, seeing little jack walking next to him, you smile at the wolf and he returns it without hesitation.

"Hey, prowler, you going with Jack to the outskirts of the camp?"

You ask him and he nods before responding.

"Yeah, going to a small lake close to here, you know, where there aren't alligators," he says to you before pausing, looking at Charles's figure walking towards you "Now that you're here, why did you get up before me? Is there something wrong?"

He questions as he examines you, looking for anything out of the ordinary, making you smile even more from his concern, as you spoke, your voice is soft and caring.

"No nothing's wrong, well yes but it's not an issue," you pause and he looks at you seriously with the time of his head in an are-you-sure kind of way and you finish your sentence " just a bit of pain on my side, nothing more"

You chuckle slightly as he sighs, you walk past him with Charles as he mounts his horse, the horse wines slightly, and then walks out of the camp with you following close to him.


"She seems off Arthur, she's refusing to know anything about this?"

Pearson says to Arthur as he sighs, nodding, before speaking.

"Yeah, I know, this morning she was whimpering for some reason, plus she seems to have a hard time finding anyone here when Charles is training her for tracking and things like that like she lost her scent it something"

Arthur says and Pearson puts on a frown before padding Arthur's shoulder comfortably.

"You got to get her checked out at the clinic, you don't know if it's bad or not, better safe than sorry"

Arthur sighs, nodding as he finished his meal.


You crouched down on a hill next to Charles, seeing all the whitetail deer in the grassy field, the pain in your ribs is getting harder to ignore by the second, it felt like your bones are grinding against rocks as you put it.

You ignore the pain when you hear a 'click' and an arrow is launched, the intending target was the deer's head, but it managed to only wound the deer by hitting it on its shoulder.

You spring into action when you see the outcome, running full speed at the deer and jumping on its back, and biting the back of the deer's neck, it let out a loud shriek before tumbling to the ground with you on him.

You whimper even more when the pain doubles, Charles kneels next to you when he catches up, looking for any injuries, he puts a bit of pressure on your ribs, and you let out a loud growl before whimpering, the pain is unbearable.

"You seem fine physically...but something's wrong..."

Charles says with a sigh, you stand up, trying to ignore the pain as you get up as you walk toward the deer with Charles walking closely behind you.

He whistles for his horse as he grabs the dead animal carcass, he walks toward the back of his horse as it came, putting the deer in the back of his horse and strapping it in, signaling for you to follow as he mounts up.

You pant as you Trott next to his horse, trying your best to cool down on a sunny day.


That walk back to camp was calming to some extent, the slightest wobble from you didn't go unnoticed by prowler as he overwhelm you with questions as he looked up and down your body, making you blush slightly under his intense gaze but welcoming his kindness and concern for you.

You both are ripped away from prowlers' attention when Arthur walks toward both of you, you tilt your head slightly at the outlaw as he kneels to your level, scratching the back of your head as he spoke softly.

"Hey, girl, we have to go to get you to check out at the clinic, c'mon, prowler, can come with us"

You growled happily as you wagged your tail, you and prowler walking behind him to the horses, he mounts his horse and trots away from the camp as you two follow.


The people in saint dennys looked down on both of you with disgust, some gasped, and others glared at Arthur for bringing such wild animals to the city.

You and prowler ignored all of them when a teen commented on you, making you growl in his direction.

"Hey, old man, see you brought your mutt, is it a coward like you?" The teen says and gives you a devilish smile when you growl at him as does prowler "oh they seem scary, I'm shaking in my boots!" The teen says, teasing you, you were about to snap at him when Arthur puts his hand on the back of your collar, gripping it tightly.

"Run along kid, cause they ain't picky on what they eat," Arthur says lowly, the tip of his hat tilting down, casting a shadow as prowler growls, the kid is shaken but plays it off with a scoff and walks away.

Arthur looks back at you when you yawn and grins when prowler rubs his head at the top of your crown.

'He's been sweet on her more than normal'

He thinks before walking to the door and opening it, seeing a few city people taking a seat, Arthur sits down when he registered your name on the clipboard, with you lying next to him with prowler sitting next to him, waiting patiently.

You perk up when your name is called, stretching as you stood up, walking next to Arthur as prowler looked at you from afar, waiting until you come back.

The man with the clipboard opens a door and walks in as well as you and Arthur, the man sighs before turning around to look at Arthur, giving him all the necessary questions.

"She ain't been eating, sometimes refusing to, she seems lost sometimes like she can't smell and been vomiting, couple that with whimpering"

Arthur says, scratching the back of his neck nervously, the man signals with his pen at you before saying 'can I?' Arthur nods and the man kneels to your level, examining everything, you whimper slightly when he touches your sides and he lets out a low hum as he stands up.

"Well, she might have eaten poison ivy without her knowing, which explains why she's vomiting from time to time and refusing to eat since most wolves prefer to catch a whiff of what she may eat to know whether it's safe or not, but no worries, I got the thing that will help her"

The man says as he hands Arthur a bottle with a weird liquid inside, making you curious about it.

"Only give this to her in the mornings and night for a week, and if it gets worse, you know where to find me"

Arthur thanked the man before walking out of the room, glancing back to make sure that you were following him.

As all three of you walk out of the clinic, he whistles for his horse before mounting and heading back to the camp with both wolves raising each other back and forth until they made it back to camp.

At night he gave you your medicine as the doctor said, and then gave you the medicine again in the morning, days went on like this until he saw you eating again and having more energy than before, making him smile.

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