Tagging along with arthur

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Tw:mentions of blood, and gunshots and then fluff (?)

The evening breeze brushed against your fur, providing a cooling sensation as you lounged with Jack in one of his favorite play spots. The gentle rub of his hand behind your ears sent waves of bliss through your body, a sensation you weren't accustomed to after a past filled with harsh treatment.

As Jack's name was called out for dinner, you lifted your head from his lap, motioning for him to follow. Back at the camp, the enticing aroma of food filled the air, making your stomach growl in hunger. Jack noticed and hurriedly approached Mr. Pearson, pleading with him to give you a portion of the freshly cooked meal.

After a sigh, Mr. Pearson agreed, filling two bowls with food—one for Jack and one for you. You waited patiently for him to place your bowl down before digging into the meal, finishing it quickly while Jack was still eating.

Licking your lips in satisfaction, you carefully picked up the empty bowl with your mouth and brought it to Pearson's table before leaving. You then made your way over to Tilly, who was struggling to move a fallen tree root. nudging her away from the rope, you grabbed hold of it and tugged, indicating for her to step back. With your strength, the root began to move, and once it was far enough from the camp, you headed towards the horses. Tilly expressed her gratitude as you walked away, attending to other tasks.

You spent time with the horses until Arthur came to retrieve his own horse. Seeing you lying next to it, he chuckled and sat down next to you, gently petting your head.

"Hey bud, wanna go and help with something? I'll give ya' a treat if you behave"

His belly rub elicited a happy response from you, and you stood up as he mounted his horse, walking alongside him as he left the camp.

Occasionally, you ran ahead at full speed and then back to Arthur's side, maintaining a playful rhythm until he eventually halted at a house near Valentine.

Sitting on the porch, you patiently waited as Arthur knocked on the door, your eyes fixed on it.

A woman named Mary emerged, showing confusion on her face as she glanced between you and Arthur. You observed their conversation, and when Arthur motioned for you to join him with a sigh, you walked back to his horse.

Walking beside the horse, you felt tension between you and Arthur, thinking you might have done something wrong.

Sensing your unease, Arthur sighed and reassured you in a calm voice that you had done nothing wrong.

"It's alright girl, you ain't done nothing wrong, just dealing with a family business... A foolish one at that"

With that, his horse quickened its pace, and your next stop was a peculiar-looking cliff.


As you approached the unfamiliar camp, the familiar scent of the green forest helped you relax. Upon arrival, you saw a group of men in white robes huddled together.


When Arthur presented himself, they murmured something that was indecipherable to you, took a step closer to the mens.

"Can I speak to the boy?"

Arthur asked as one of the men took a step closer to glance at him, quickly being hushed away.

You growled protectively at one of the men who took a step forward, possibly the leader of the cult.

"You are not welcomed here, so leave or we will make you, by any means necessary"

Arthur chuckled at the empty threat, shaking his head.

"Careful now, wolf here' ain't much of a picky eater now-"

Arthur looked at the boy.

"C'mon Jamey, stop with all this nonsense and let's go, your sister is waiting for you"

When the leader crossed his arms over his chest with a silent threat, Arthur nodded at you, giving you permission to attack.

With a snarl, you leaped at the man, knocking him down.

"Make her stop Arthur! She's gonna kill him"

The sound of his scream echoed through the air as you bit into his throat until it cracked, releasing him.

Your fangs and muzzle were stained crimson as you turned to look back at Arthur, who was engaged in conversation with the boy.

"This is horse shit, you're better than this Jamey!"

Once the child mounted his horse, the two of you chased after him.  You panted as the both of you chased him through the forest and into the plain fields, hurrying your pace as you took a short cut to easily get to him quicker than Arthur.

The pursuit ended when he was thrown off the horse once I leaped at the horse's neck before sinking my fangs deeply. Killing the horse. I growled at him once I stood up, waiting for a sign to let up from arthur, he started yelling at the man.

"I'm warning you Arthur Morgan, leave me alone!"

I let out a whine before lowering my head once the sound of a revolver sounded out, I shook my head before taking one step closer to the boy. Fangs drawn.

"And make this damned dog of yours leave me alone!"

Arthur took a step forward once the train blocking them went away, sighing.

"I can't do that, kid.... Just- put the gun down...."

"I'm warning you Arthur! I'm gonna-... I don't wanna live anymore!'

He started to point the gun to his head, o quickly leaped to take it away from him once Arthur gave me a silent command. The shot rang out, Arthur quickly approched the kid.

"Now calm down! Let's just- let's go see your sister"

The boy hugged him before agreeing with him, and the two of them mounted the horse, with you trotting alongside.

"Hey Arthur, what's your dog's name?"

"Oh well, erm.... She's actually a tame wolf, ain't a dog... But her name's hunter. Rescued"

"Huh, I didn't know you had a heart for that Arthur"



The ride back to town was filled with questions, and the horse trotted until you all reached Valentine.

Walking into the train station, you watched as Arthur carried Mary's bag onto the train. As you tilted your head curiously, Arthur chuckled and rubbed your head before leaving the station.

"C'mon, Let's get ya' that treat I promised"

At the store, he bought a bag of peanut butter biscuits, paying the cashier and leaving without complimenting your behavior, though he did mention that a beautiful wolf and tamed like you acting obediently was a next to miracle.

Arthur gave you a biscuit and smiled as you eyed the bag of treats. The rest of the day passed in a blur, and upon returning to the camp, you headed straight for the dog bed and fell into a blissful sleep, enveloped by the comforting shadows of the night.

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