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Tw: mentions of dogfighting, kidnapping, blood, death, and I think that's it?

One week, one week locked up in a tiny cage and made to fight every dog in the ring, it feels like dogfighting from the mountains only worse.

You sigh, all the barking is driving you crazy, you look to your left, seeing a black and grayish wolf laying down next to your cage, his hazel eyes scanning your body up and down, a small grin on his face.

You raise a brow, seemingly curious as to what he's looking for, when you do he looks away, surprised that you catch him in the act, you just shook your head. Not wanting any trouble.

After a while, you fall asleep, fighting and abuse taking a toll on you.


"Hey, have anyone seen hunter? She's been gone longer than usual..."

Arthur says concerned, lately, he hasn't seen you nor has any other gang member, it's as you vanished, and jack was up in his nerves when he keeps asking where are you that is until they got him too, John shrugs and looks around, now noticing your absence but Micah pipes up.

"That damn mutt? Last time I saw her she was on the outskirts of the camp guarding or something like that," he says shrugging before speaking again.

"did you know that mutt cost 2,000$? apparently, she's the rarest wolf, something about her eyes that makes them valuable because of the blue like silver"

Arthur raises a brow, not believing him and thinking that he may try to sell you for the money.

After all, he doesn't have a good record when it comes to valuable things that aren't his.

Arthur ignores it and goes to the outskirts of the camp, shouting your name to see where you are.

'it ain't like her to disappear out of nowhere, something had to happen '

Arthur thought as he walks closer to the guarding spot you always are the leaves crunching beneath his boots, he looks around and spots the familiar collar you wear.

walking faster to see the collar on the forest floor, he looks around and see blood on gravel, as he looks around yet again, he sees horse tracks and examines it, seeing that it may have been a few days since this happened.

He gets up, mumbling under his breath, and gets the collar off the ground before walking back to camp, this time much more furious than before.

First sean and jack and now you?

When he gets to camp, he walks in a straight line toward Dutch's tent, walking in to tell the news.

"Dutch, do you have a moment?"

Dutch looks away from his book before standing up and taking a cigar and lighting it.

"Sure son, what is it?"

Dutch says, curiosity filled In his voice, Arthur sights looking down and takes a deep breath, and looks back at Dutch again, seeing the worry in his eyes.

"I erm... I think I Know why hunter has 'vanished' to say the least..."

Dutch sighs, before muttering 'shit' under his breath and speaks again, this time his voice is stern.

"Well, do you know who may have done it?"

Arthur sighs before shrugging.

"I may have a lead, but it's in Valentine..."

He muttered, trying to come up with a way to get into Valentine without the law on him.

The Gangs Little Pet--- Rdr2 X WolfWhere stories live. Discover now