Chapter 36: Back Into The Darkness

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Hilda started rubbing her knuckles as she repeatedly punches hogsworth in the face, Now bound by a bunch of chains he has no way of Escaping.

Hilda: Lets try this one last time, WHERE is the nether king

Hogsworth: Naive humans, Capturing me is of no use-

Adam who was watching the events unfold decided to help her and slashes him with his chain.

Adam: Stay on topic, or I swear to god, I will feed you to the dragons. 

Hilda: Your army falls as we speak, We have the end crystals and the Ender watchers on our side. there is NOTHING you can do about it. Its over hogsworth, YOU. LOST.

Hogsworth only chuckle at their argument:

Hogsworth: You just don't get it, Human. My job here is done, I was only bidding for time. Keep me chained or execute me if you want, Even with the nether princess and the leader of the rose thorn faction, You can't stop what happens nex-

He was cut of by adam punching him in the face.

Adam: What are you guys planning, TELL US

Hogsworth: Oh dear child. This world is not mine to conquer, It never was. Our great king will soon rise from his slumber. Then... the real war begins

In the nether the wither skeletons walk towards the nether fortress to see Zarkos slowly laying his kings head onto his newly built torso while the other wither skeleton continue building his body parts. At the frostbourne HQ, Azura is giving Rain, Abigail, Stella, Ciara, Kane and Koi a brief explanation of their new plan and in the tavern, Hilda and Adam were talking to Patrick about what hogsworth had said to them.

Out in the field, Virmir and Agatha and their new friend the machine golem march towards the battlefield, A big shadow starts moving below them which is cause by a elytra ship flying passed them. On it Lyria looks through her telescope, On the ground is Eneri's cloak and eneri comes out of it with a fresh new pair of blades for lyria and a freshly cleaned beacon rifle along with her freshly cleaned double sided scythe

Eneri: Lyria

Lyria: Yes

Eneri: These are for you

Eneri says as she throws them at the pink haired girl who catches them with ease.

Upon arriving at the nether's outpost which was once one of the frostbournes. Brots, a commander of the nether yells at his soldiers to dive into battle. But the machine golem, charged up his gatling gun and fired, quickly killing the ones on front and is supported by the elytra soldiers on the ship firing their cannons into the oncoming wave of pigmen.

The pigmen are later flanked by Zeganirn, Virmir and Agatha. Brots retreats just in time as the ship fires another cannon at him. In the nether controlled end, kralos observed his soldiers and the map. 

After having is soldiers create a new body for him. He had one thing in his mind, and that was the end prince, Adam. With his newly formed body being more sturdier and armor more durable then before, He was gonna make sure that round three was the final round. And he was gonna come out as the victor

He looks behind him to see a massive lizard with wings covered with flames and skin as dark as netherite, it wakes up and growls. With the scales and the flesh recovered from the two dragons after pulling them with hooks. Zarko's manage to create a massive dragon that is similar to the ones there enemies have.

Now night time at the Frostbourne, Abigail and Rain decided to camp outside. Abi fell asleep first while laying her head on rain's thigh. The dragon tamer looks down the hill to see the End queen waving at him with the ender great sword back in her hands, Upon making i contact with her, she waved at him and he waved back. She later joins up with Adam, Hilda and Patrick.

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