Chapter 10 : Cold As Ice

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Daryll : how many of them are there

Dexter called through the radio, since adam has the power to teleport he's got there way sooner than patrick or daryll did, so he's been watching the undead aimlessly roam around. one of them, which is indeed an infected rain caught his attention, he was kind of slow and he kept twitching as if he was trying to fight his zombified form but fails as his zombified form led him of the ledge and into a small ravine.

Adam : only 9 zombies and one skeleton no survivors.

Patrick : so Adam does any of them look interesting to you.

Adam : yeah, theres one with a blue jacket and black hair, he fell into a ravine so i think it will be super easy to disable him with azura's paralyzing potion.

Daryll : So adam, are we doing this now or what.

Adam : start the clock, get em

Daryll and Patrick came in on horses, patrick ran one over while charging over to the rest and daryll shot 1 with his guns, once there were close enough they jumped of the horses and the horses stop as there riders dismounted them, patrick, daryll and adam started attacking the zombies. the skeleton that was hidden in the blizzard tried to shoot them, but daryll noticed it first and killed it with a trick shot without even looking.

Daryll : alright wheres the one were supposed to take back.

Adam pointed towards the bottom of the ravine, where the blue jacket zombie couldnt move due to his broken legs. patrick teleported to the bottom of the ravine and shoved the paralyzing posion into the infected guys mouth, his red pupils turn white indicating it worked. 

(back with dayll and adam)

Adam : if you used a shotgun, would you pick an automatic one, a semi automatic one or a pump action one.

Daryll : i'll have to pick the semi automatic one, cause when i used azura's modified version of the AA-12 i just pulled the trigger for 1 tiny second and i accidently released the entire clip.

Patrick : are you seriously talking about that now.

Daryll : yeah why not, this kids a banger, just like everybody told me.

Patrick : yeah, yeah compliment him later, i got the guy now lets go, i wanna see if azura's revival machine works.

Adam : woo lets go

Daryll empties both of his pistols in excitement, and just like that the three of them and the zombified person galloped away. But they were unaware who was observing them from the other side of the bridge. Naeus the hooded wither skull, watched as the 2 frostbourne soldiers and ender watcher galloped away with the zombified person. he looked down towards the dead girl infront of him, picked her up and return to the nether.

(back at the frostbourne)

Azura : out of all the people there you were only able to find one.

Adam : Sorry everybody else looked useless unlike, he was moving slower and was kind of twitching, im guessing he was trying to fight the infected side of him.

Azura : hhhmm, i dont see how that is logical, but ill take it.

Ser Theo : so are we doing this or what.

Azura nod and gestured to adam to put an enchanted golden apple in the little glass cabinet. Azura hit the switch, the apple started spinning, the command blocks started bouncing around and huge flashes' of light cause them to cover there eyes.

the guy open his eyes revealing them to be blue but due to azura's machine the right eye becomes red.

Rain : whe- where am i

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