Chapter 30 : Eternal

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Rain, Abi, Ciara, Kane, Stella and lance are in the frostbourne tavern discussing there plan about finding the first end crystal they decided to go wit the first one which is the one Gwendolyn knows about, As they were discussing the plan lance was asleep in Stella's arms

Kane : So if what your grandmother  says is true, then the piglin king  holds one of. We'll go to his castle , grab it and go. This will be an easy quest because the netherbane knows the piglin kingdom inside and out... Any questions

Stella : Huh? Why does the nether  have two kings? I thought King naeus already united the whole Nether under his banner?

Abigail : The Piglin King and his faction are independent, but they run supply lines for the Nether King in exchange for protection. We may have to deal with them along the way.

Rain : Then that means if their kingdom falls, it will cripple the Nether supply lines. That should slow down their invasion and give the Frostbourne an upper hand in this war

Ciara : Yes. (puts drink down and twists her karambit, before walking forward) I'll kill the Piglin King.

Abigail : now now shorty, we talked about this

Ciara : I'm ending what I started! This isn't just about the End Crystals. This is between the Netherbane and the Piglin Kingdom.

Kane : You already died chasing the Piglin King once!

Ciara : We're already Undead, Kane (raises her arms). We can die as many times as we want! And with the nether princess or now the end princess on our side, he's helpless now. It's time to finish the battle I started years ago... this time he will not escape.

Stella : by the way what happen to your outfit why are you wearing a body suit under your shirt and sleeves, and black skinny jeans under your skirt.

Abigail : Yeah i kinda liked you in your original outfit.

Ciara : Ugh your grandma literally told me to wear more. saying that my outfit is a bit to revealing.

Kane : she wasn't wrong do you know how many men tried to get to you back at the netherbane tavern.

(music starts)

Rain and kane are inspecting some sort of gun while stella waves see you later to her horse as the frostbourne guards take it to there stables. Ciara drinks another cup of wine as she stayes in the shade. Later inside Abigail is informing the group about the piglin kingdom and where they should go and when they were ready everybody grab there weapons and go to the nether using Abigail's new portal making skill. when they arrive they are greeted by a batch of piglin soldiers that were waiting for there arrival.

They fought them until they were all finish leaving the pigmen brute all by himself, Rain and abigail decided to take them on and activates there ender abilities with there eyes turning to ender eyes and Abigail summoning her new weapon the End Thorn which is the end's version of the ruby spear. rain stuns it with the ender great sword and Abigail slashes him with the end thorn.

While travelling to the piglin kings castle through the crimson forest they encountered a zoglin. Kane pushes everyone behind one of the trees but Abigail walks up to it and tames it. everybody made there way to the piglin kings kingdom after passing a small hut. The zoglin that was being mounted by abigail sits by the castle and waits for its new rider to come back. Ciara opens the gate to the piglin kings throne room only for Abigail to push her away and the End princess gives Ciara the loser sign as the gates close.

Although insulted Ciara accepts it. outside they are greeted by a mutated Piglin that was in the hut that they passed by so they intercept it. In the throne room abigail kills the two guards that were running at her and she attack the piglin king, she got a little too over confident and is bashed away by the beast. Back outside the others were fighting the mutated piglin when the zoglin that Abigail was riding comes to the rescue and rams into the mutated piglins legs knocking him of balance and giving rain the opportunity to decapitate it with the ender great sword.

Inside Abigail was about to be choked to death when she summons the ender mandibles and kills the piglin king by stabbing him in the head. she leaves the throne room with the end crystal in hand, the zoglin who was happy that its master was safe runs to Abigail and starts to lick her face in joy. Ciara gave an annoyed look to Abigail who responds by sticking her tongue at her

Little Brother Knows Best (abigail's little brother) A rainimator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now