Chapter 7 : Lady Azura

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( i do not own the pictures in the following chapter the original water dragon picture was also drawn by someone else. all the art here belong to there rightful owners.)

The Frostbourne's Scholar finally got the day off she deserved, not only she is a scientist but she is also Lady Azura, the captain of the elytra corps and the big sister of lyria and dexter. As a commander she hasn't got a break for a week cause she has been testing and creating weapons for the frostbourne, what makes it even more exhausting is that as a captain she is always responsible for anything that happen to her men, she met a mother that was mad at her for her sons almost painful death, she wanted to complain that she was tired but as a captain she took the insult. Now here she was sitting in another pond far from the original one. She always liked private spaces cause nobody can tell her what to do, but this time someone else has also claimed this spot as there own private space as well. She fell asleep in the pond and did not notice someone walking up beside her.

Azura wakes up an notices that she has been sleeping for 40 minutes, so it was in the middle of the afternoon and she was greeted with the noise of a pencil that is being used to draw.

??? : good afternoon, sleepy head

Azura immediately turned her head to the source of the noise where adam was sitting at the side of the pond with a sketch book and pencil in his hand.

Azura : EEP! Adam You Have 3 seconds to explain what your doing here

Adam : I chosed this little spot for my self, I was sleeping right by that tree for like 25 minutes that I heard someone enter the water of this pond, and I saw you sitting in this pond, i dint wanted to disturbed so i let you be

Azura : and then you chose to spy on me, plus why dint you woke me up so you can tell me that this spot was taken.

Adam : First, I did not spy on you I observed you and I decided to draw you in my sketch book and second I dint woke you up cause I was finding someone to accompany me while im here cause I have a habit of talking to myself.

Azura : you drawn me in my SWIMSUIT, do you know how perverted that sounds.

Adam : I dint draw you in your swimsuit, I drawn you in that flight suit of yours.

Azura : what

Azura swims over to the part where adam was sitting and adam showed her a quite impressive drawing of her in her flight suit.

Azura swims over to the part where adam was sitting and adam showed her a quite impressive drawing of her in her flight suit

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Azura : wow actually, im impressed, i look so pretty.

Adam : thanks for the compliment, i drawed everybody else as well.

Adam : here's ceris

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Adam : here's ceris

Adam : here's my dragon in his water form

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Adam : here's my dragon in his water form

Azura : it has more then one form

Adam : dont call him "it" he has a gender you know and yeah he can turn into an ice dragon or a water dragon.

Azura : can i do an experiment on him, he could possibly help us with the undead 

Adam : he can and he will.

Adam : And this is my sister, if you want to know more about her you can talk to patrick about.

Azura : wow she is really pretty, she must be good at archery judging by the way she has a bow and bag of arrows

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Azura : wow she is really pretty, she must be good at archery judging by the way she has a bow and bag of arrows.

Adam : she is at sometimes she can use those arrows as a melee weapon.

Azura : that's an action movie reference right there. you know its really nice to have people to talk to like you, usually i rather talk to my sisters or the other commanders like Theo or Daryll, but i mostly speak with Patrick and Hilda. I don't have that much friends

Adam : im your friend, it looks like were of to a great start. And i like you azura, i already like patrick as friend and i would love you as a friend as well.

Azura : I- thanks. you were actually the kindess teen i met. usually the teens that i meet are usually mean cause im responsible for there love ones injuries or sometimes even there deaths.

Adam : why are you responsible, the enemies are the ones that are responsible, your just doing your job and i heard, as a commander your self you rarely take naps. just say to the people that your exhausted and that's it, rather than letting your self physically show it, cause one day ceris got sick and couldn't fight and that made it even worse when a maniac was trying to take the throne

Azura  : woah really what happen then.

Adam : i took her place, fought the guy and i won. and i dint have the abilities that i have now, i was still a normal human with no teleportation skills. but then the thoughts of my sister got into my mind and then my dragon appeared for the first time, and i beat the maniac in a one on one.

Azura : wow i wish i could've been there to see the whole thing.

Adam : actually, you can

Adam was going to touch azura so he can take them both back in time.

Azura : wait can you not do that yet, i dont wanna go back in time wearing this

Adam : oh yeah sure

Azura then got out of the pond, dried her self up with a towel and put on her blue shirt, black shorts and sunglasses (its her outfit when she is of duty) 

Adam then touches Azura's fore head and then both her eyes and Adams start glowing, and Adam creates a vision that takes both of them back in time where they can see Adam fighting lance.

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