Chapter 22 : Wither Heart

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Abigail informed the frostbourne about why rain went from fine to bad. she gives them information about some curse call the wither heart curse. The curse starts through being stabbed or infected through a Wither based weapon, such as the . The heart withers away inside the infected person, who can survive in the Nether thanks to it. However, upon returning to the Overworld, the infected will find themselves slowly becoming weaker and weaker, their eyes turning red and their skin starting to morph into a charred color. As the curse wanes on, the user starts to crawl as they walk until they eventually become immobilized, both eyes resembling those infected by a . It is at that point that hope tends to be lost as the person withers away.

little did they know that Stella being the more optimistic one had a really risky but possibly useful plan.

(grandmaster war room)

Stella : The Mystic forest houses the coven, a clan of witches with prowess for the mystic arts. We'll go there to purge his.

Patrick : You and Gwendolyn have heard of nothing from them since the undead reign . They're far isolated and the dangers that awaits you are unknown.

Gwendolyn : I'm sorry general Patrick, but if you want to cure your friend they need to risk it

Patrick : I'm afraid I cant let them madam. And not to mention that your granddaughter wants to come with them, she's still weak from her revival and she currently can only walk with crutches.

Adam : are you sure you wanna go with them Abi. i know you wanna help rain, but you're still banged up and we haven't confirm whether you can fight or not.

Abigail : I'll be fine Adam, besides i can still use a bow i'll be able to help rain and stella from long range.

Adam : I'm sorry sister but I can't let you, I can't afford to lose you again

Rain : Adam we need to take this risk

Patrick : and save you again. what are you without a dragon, dragon tamer

Rain : Silence! You speak like Zombies are an obstacle, but I alone have faced far more powerful foes than those walking corpses you speak of.

Stella : *Chuckles* Relax. We're more than capable of putting up a fight. Don't worry about us, sire.

Adam : You know that me and Gwendolyn aren't coming with you

Abigail : what why?

Gwendolyn : ceris has called the both of us in for a meeting, naues has been crowned as the new king of the nether

Adam : we would love to come with you, but when our meetings are about nether related stuff we cant afford to miss this. but to give you a little advantage (touching rains heads) i'll heal this guy up to give you guys a head start.

Abigail : can we go now I feel like were wasting day light.

(music starts)

Patrick : ugh, your call but this time none of us will be responsible for whatever happens to you dragon tamer. same goes to you nether princess, if you die a third time you better make sure you protect your body from the after life so Adam can come in and revive you again. I'm tasking Eneri to come with you cause she had nothing to do. i have no time for to argue with you, you all better get back here sa-

Rain : we will get back her safely. 

Adam : you better. not just you but the people coming with you as well. if you come back here and stella is now a netherkin or you bring a bunch of strangers here then your done.

Stella, Rain, abigail and eneri sets off on there adventure, Rain looked back at the grandmaster and the scholar who watched the 4 move out. They walked for almost an entire day with abigail in the very back because of her walking with crutches but also having a basket of arrows and a bow on her back, she dropped one of her crutches but eneri immediately came up to her, picked it up and gave it back. abigail also notices that eneri changed her style now instead of dark blue hair she had white hair now.

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