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(back at the coven)

Adam, Koi, Gwendolyn and Zeg Actually succeeded in holding of the nether hoard for rain, Abi and Stella. but as they were holding them off, all of them ended up getting wounded in the process, Gwendolyn was stabbed in the abdomen, Koi now has a bad head injury, Adam Has a big slit on the side of his face along with a scar on his left arm and Zeg has lost his right arm.

There wounds are now covered and bandages, Gwendolyn is unable to use her healing powers to heal all of them cause she wasn't in the right condition to do so, Adam could but because of his injury the healing is working really slowly. adam and koi are now currently cleaning up the bodys of the dead nether soldiers, they started a fire and burn the corpses in it. Since gwendolyn and zeg get the more painful injuries they were told to rest in a cave, so they are currently now sleeping.

Adam : So Koi wasn't it 

He said as he throws a wither skeleton into the fire

Adam : I heard you were one of my grandma's best students

Koi : I am, and you must be Adam, the end prince

Adam : Great to know that you know me as well.

Koi : you are the ender watchers newest member, if its something related with the ender watcher I couldn't afford to lose the news.

Adam Throws more dead soldiers into the fire and resumes his conversation with koi

Adam : So since your name is koi, Does that mean you have a thing for fishes

Koi : No, I'm called that cause the other meaning for koi is companion. And my mom and dad always said i was there companion till the end.

Adam : I dint even know that koi even had that meaning, i always thought that koi is just the name of a fish.

Koi : Well i guess i do have some interest towards those fish, the way they swim around in the water is so graceful.

Adam : hm.

Koi : what's wrong, you worried about ceris aren't you.

Adam : why wouldn't i she's being held captive by the Nether horde and now we only have a day, to decide whether me and abi should give our selves to the nether horde, or there gonna kill ceris

Koi : hm- Wait he gave you time.

Adam : yeah what's wrong with that.

Koi : that doesn't sound like him, I've tried to save someone when that guy captured him. it was a few years ago when glutton was still king, he gave naeus the task of capturing a friend of mine and he gave me the exact time length that he gave you to save ceris.

Adam : Really then what happen

Koi : i decided that i was gonna save them and when i came to the nether, my friend was already dead, it was a day before the deadline and he executed my friend already. he was like dead for a day and-

Adam : (realization) Oh no

Koi : We gotta go, we gotta go

Adam : What about grandma and zeg

koi : No time lets go

Koi opened a portal to the end. when they made it there they notice that the place was completely taken over by the nether, there were no enderman just pigmen walking around scouting the place. They heard a growl and when they looked towards the source, they see adam's and the ender dragon with hooks plunged into there bodies they dint even tried to move cause they no when they try to break free they will instantly be torn apart.

Little Brother Knows Best (abigail's little brother) A rainimator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now