Chapter 5 : The Frostbourne

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Writer : before i you read this chapter i just wanna thank all of you for making me reach 100+ readers and one vote and all that happen in just 2 days.

(2 year timeskip)

Adam would be now 16 years old and still has the same personality since he first joined the ender watchers. He became the seconds most strongest ender watcher behind ceris and in front of zeganirn. His dragon also known as the water dragon evolved even stronger and can now even turn into an ice dragon and fire dragon, it will come to adams aid when adam summons it and will instantly teleport to where adam is at, it also formed a relationship with the ender watchers ender dragon. making it have some kind of girlfriend and boyfriend relationship. adam is still in search of abigail although he rarely has time to do that since he also has work in the end. he has also been informerd by ceris that the undead are responsible for seperating adam with abigail, it is led by herobrine and sometimes the nether king glutton. adam vows vengeance towards herobrine but ceris explaines that 2 super human hybrids, 2 advance enderman, 2 dragons and a bunch of original enderman were not going to be enough

They needed to have an alliance with another strong faction.

Ceris is now working out at the gym, punching and kicking a punching bag, and notice adam walking by the entrance.

Ceris : Morning Adam

Adam : Morning Sis, im going to the overworld for a little walk, you need anything while im gone

Ceris : Some more lapis and some more coffee were kind of running out.

Adam : Alright call me on the phone if you need anything

(the over world)

Adam has been walking around in a dark snowy forest, he already brought and obtained all the stuff ceris told him to get. While walking around the forest he felt like he was being watched but unlike the time that he met ceris there was actually nobody around and there were no traces of anything unnatural or natural. he looked towards the trees but all of them look the same, good old spruce with snow covering there leaves.

As he kept walking the feeling of being watched always intensifies, it almost gave him a heart attack when he heard the rustle of leaves but what made it even more weird, is that it came from the trees and there were no parrots that could withstand this cold and there are no foxes that can climb that high

That's when he heard a big WHOOSH, and a shadow starts flying around he first thought that it was a toy or a bird but turns out it was a person with wings, elytra wings but those were super hard to obtain. When he was so lost in his mind he notice that whatever was flying around stopped and was nowhere to be seen.

But he new that it was still going to strike, his chain started glowing since he was ready to attack.

Now the only thing to do was to wait and wait... and wait



Adam struct something that came from above, and the shadow revealed it self to be a girl who might be in her teenage years, maybe around 15 or 16 with pink hair and elytra wings. And A BIG BLADE, they stared at each other for a few seconds before the girl unleashes another blade in her other arm. Since they are in a cold environment adam slammed his chain into a tree and turns it into the fire chain that he shown to ceris. The girl flinched a little bit possibly because adam showed her her weakness but she wasn't intimidated and flew directly at him. They clash there weapons together and start to battle.

Little Brother Knows Best (abigail's little brother) A rainimator fanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum