Chapter 2 : Building up and breaking it apart

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Adam looked directly into the sky, it was all black with slightly purple clouds. He then looked ahead of him there were tall buildings that were tall and connected to one another with bridges and the ground looked like sandstone but they looked more solid and more sturdier. And all around them tall skinny creatures with really black skin and purple eyes just like ceris were roaming around the tower. He decided to take a step forward but before his foot can touch the floor ceris grabbed his hand stopping him from moving an inch.

Ceris : Be careful, don't look down

She said with a stoic voice, but obviously when people say that sentence it obviously wants you to look down, so when adam looked down his face turned pale and his eyes widen to see a bottomless dark void And the ground that they were standing on was actually floating and was not on the ground. A dragon flew by making a massive energy of wind,

Ceris : Haven't seen a bottomless world, with dragons and islands floating around it have you.

Adam : Is there literally nothing down there

Ceris : Well we don't know actually know yet, its just every hostile mob we sent there were never seen again

Adam : How on earth do you and those things over there go across every island.

Ceris chuckled a bit before taking his hand and teleporting them towards the island with buildings and the one with the weird creatures. As they walk towards the tallest tower the black creatures both tall and short (Some of them could possibly be a whole a family) Looked towards him and there queen as they walked by, wondering who there queen brought back from the overworld. They entered the tower and went to the top floor, where another tall black creature with a crown and another who had white skin was waiting for them.

??? : my queen, welcome back

Ceris : Vordus, zeganirn

Ceris said as she stand right across the table Infront of them.

??? : My queen you were gone quite longer then usual, the enderman and us were quite worried.

Ceris : Forgive me vordus, this child here put on quite a show for me, and the time I took watching him was worth it, he tooked on a blaze all bye his own and has the ability too control water I guess.

Vordus : my queen you know that our kind are really sensitive to water, story tells that enderman may even parish by just touching one drop of it.

Ceris : I know Vordus, but I couldn't just leave him alone. He told me that his sister disappeared a couple years ago and he spent the last couple years trying to find her, something about that wring tells me that's his power source but also its important to him cause that's his sisters finale gift to him before she went missing.

Vordus : (sigh) Alright, but you must have some rest as well or your condition might get worst, you know who will be waiting in the arena next week, and if you lose the end will fall into the wrong hands.

Ceris : don't worry he will lose to my wrath, I wont disappoint my people

Vordus : Very well, I must look after dragon for abit ok. Go try and take adam on a tour of dragonspire will you, you will be a horrible big sister if you just leave him standing there.

Ceris : (giggle) I will

As ceris turned around, adam was no longer there she looked to zeganirn who was also no longer there, so she spent 2 minutes searching for them. She finally found the 2 sitting on top of the roof of the other building eating the chorus fruits that zegarnirn picked for him.

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