Chapter 25 : Wishing Dead

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Adam Softly kicks the boat that Abigail, rain and Stella are on, the three of them did parting waves at the 4 as they floated away on there boat. Rain's plan was to let Zeg, Gwendolyn, Adam And Koi hold of the nether assasins so The three of them have time to escape. Although Abigail was not willing to leave her grandma and brother behind she had to, so they can avenge the ender watchers.

Stella : Shouldn't we go back and help our poor friends out

Rain : they want to stall whoever is hunting us down

Stella : Then lets fight back, hunter gets hunted

Rain : No, The nether king will find us


Rain : And we don't want to die with them! The end is razed... Some of them has nothing left to live for! there dying wish is for our safety.

Abigail : (GASP) Rain How could you say such a thing, They have a bunch of thing to live for. And the way they think that this is there dying wish is just so morbid. Its unlikely of you to back away from battle.

Rain : What matters now is us. The fate of mankind lies with us . *They hold hands* The remaining ender watchers and the coven witches noble sacrifice will not be in vain. Together... we will carry the torch, of the Ender watchers.

Adam teleports to them, and stands on the edge of the boat almost making them go overboard.

Rain : Adam what on earth

Adam : You thinking that this is our dying wish is kind of unthoughtful of you rain, this is not our dying wish this is our fighting wish. and if your thinking that we will die to a bunch of pigs and skeletons then your wrong, Your all gonna come back here and your gonna see all of us in one piece. And Abi (Picking something out of his pocket) Grandma wanted you to have this.

He pulled Something shiny out of his pocket. It was the shard that broke of the nether star, but instead of glowing white it was glowing purple.

Abigail : is that the little shard of the nether star that broke of when you guys saved me

Adam : it is grandma has purified it and turned it into some kind of ender star or something, she was sure that this wont turn you into some kind of killing machine. she used it on an enderman for like 4 days and it dint go wrong. since you don't have any powerful abilities yet grandma is trusting you with this. she's also trusting the ender mandibles with you

Abigail : (taking the star) You sure?

Abigail looked back at Gwendolyn, and she nods. Abigail stared at the star for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and absorbs it. she looked at adam who patted her on the shoulder and teleports back to koi, zeg and Gwendolyn

(music starts)

Later that night the Nether Elite Soldiers Namtar, Ifrit and Amon Arrived to where the ender watchers were, they found the chest and looked inside only to find that it was already empty. they looked around to see if they were still close but they were disturbed by a cracking noise.

Suddenly Adam appeard behind Ifrit And use his chain to throw him into the water and he teleported away, since ifrit was a blaze just like scorch he was instantly killed when adam threw him into the water. Koi appeared next and kills Amon by impaling him with an arcane blade. Namtar ran at Koi but zeganirn pushed him to the ground and Zeg brutally dismembers him and Bites his head of. Later djinn appeared And starts running on the water towards zeg with an army of nether troops behind him.

Adam And Gwendolyn appeared. Koi Blocks Djinns Katana with her Arcane blade, The 3 ender watchers and the coven Witch braced them selves for battle as the oncoming nether army charged directly at them.


Abigail, Stella and Rain Manage to flee the mystic forest And back to the tundra. They set up Camp In the Forest for the night. Abigail is Inspecting The ender arm blades while rain is reading a copy of the wither book given by koi. Stella is eating an apple when her eyes starts to flash, rain and abigail noticed it and Stella pointed to where the danger was.

3 Knives came flying, Rain and Abigail manage to fling them away with A diamond sword and the ender arm blades, but Stella wasn't lucky enough and gets impaled in the stomach, the 2 of them looked in shock as she fell limp. they looked back at the Person who threw those knives and turns out it was Djinn. Abigail recognizes Djinn cause he was one of the elite guards of the nether castle, She also remembers that he was on of the nethers best assasins so he must be one of the troops that were send to kill them and since he was here, he either manages to kill Adam, Gwendolyn, koi and zeg or used the forces as a distraction but the first option was the one that came into her mind.

Rain stood up with the ender great sword. but Abigail insist that this was her fight and told rain to check on Stella, she tooked the ender armblades and puts them on her hands. She stood up without the crutches and enters a fighting stance. Djinn pulled out his katana and got into a fighting stance.

the two of them charged at each other With Abigail blocking every hit djinn throws at her. Abigail tried to hit him with the arm blades but since she was still slow and did not knew how to use her new weapon, Djinn gets a clear shot and swings his katana at The right side of Abigail's face. Abigail responds by kicking the katana out of the way and snapping his risk and then kicking him into a tree, the force that she used to kick him was so hard that she hurted her leg a bit but that dint stop her from walking towards him. She Grabs his head and starts slamming it against the tree before she Stabs his eye with his own blade and kicks him away again. He tries to get up but Abigail Decapitates him with his own Katana.

the next morning they examined the wounded Stella, Abigail Wrapped a bandage around the witches waist and rain examines the knife. The 2 of them moved on a gain walking along a tall hill. Rain has Stella on his back and Abigail was right beside them. Abigail sense something twitching and Stella opens her eyes.

She Bites rain in the shoulder causing rain to lose balance and bumped into Abigail knocking both of them of the hill. They both wake up and they saw Stella just standing their she looks up towards them and they notice that she has turned into a netherkin just like Abigail. she had fangs and horns but the only thing that was different is that she had black eyes and red pupils.

she had her eyes fixed on the 2 of them. She started dashing towards them she started fighting rain, but rain couldn't hurt his friend. Abigail tried to break them up but Stella turned her attention to her and punched her so hard in the gut that it caused Abigail to spew out blood, Stella launched to fires at her before punching her upwards and then launching another fire ball that blew her back. Rain summons the wither book and uses a spell to make Stella regain her humanity. it manage to stun her but she suddenly makes an ear raping scream that causes Abigail and rain to cover there ears. 

she stops and creates a big fire ball and launches it between rain and Abigail, blasting rain into a tree and blowing Abigail into a stone wall. Stella regains her humanity and realizes what she had done, and runs away.

On top of the hill a man and a girl with grey skin were running to the scene. They saw netherkin stella running away, the man took aim and launched an arrow at her.

Rain and Abigail Woke up, they opened there eyes revealing that rains left eye is now an ender eye and Abigail had ender eyes on both eyes.

(in the nether)

Ceris Was being pulled onto a stage, with her hands tied on her back. She has spent 24 hours being tortured by the nether, she would be tied up with chains and would be beaten senseless by her torturers, she was even ***** by naeus and it was the most Embaressing and scary part of all. after not responding to the nether horde for the entire day, Naeus has had enough. Since she was not going to be useful to them anymore he decides to Execute her infront of all of her people, which also include children by beheading her. She was forced to her knees on a stage and she looked at her people sadly. she thought about her grandma and her brother on how they would react to her being killed. she looked back at Naeus as he raised the spear, he went for ceris's neck but before the cold tip can touch her.


Little Brother Knows Best (abigail's little brother) A rainimator fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang