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(adam is cleaning the roof of the ender watchers head quarters when the roof breaks and he falls into Ceris's room)


Ceris : Morning adam

Adam : Morning Ceris.....     That Hurt


Lyria : today I'm gonna show you how to put this meatloaf in the oven in just 30 short minutes.

(camera cuts outside)

Lyria : i burn my entire house to the ground..... so.


Ceris : so how was your first day at school

Baby Enderman : AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH (Kicks ceris in the head making her unconscious) I. HATE.EVERYBODY

Baby Enderman goes to his room and starts crying as his mother listens to him with a confuse look on the other side of the door.


(roommate sucks at guitar meme)

Agatha hears some guitar playing and goes to virmir's room

Virmir : (plays a tune and fails) (plays a tune and fails again) FUCK


Everybody is on the very top of the glacierford castle, when daryll tries to get there attention


Adam : YEAH


Daryll he was about to jump of the platform but his cockiness trips him over and he rolls of the ramp.

Patrick : OOOHHH


Koi : Uh Guys I don- (Daryll's parachute shows up) oh never mind i see him


Azura : I cant help feeling, WE COULD HAVE HAD IT

Koi, Rain, Stella, Abigail, Ceris, Dexter, Patrick, Eneri, Lyria, Hilda, Adam : AAAAAALLLLLLL


Yoga Leader : All the sounds that are trapped in your mind



Abigail : So whats your joke

Ciara : Three dead babies HAHA cause they- cause they died

Abigail : your really sick

Ciara : you just don't know good humor.

At a hotel

Abigail : we have a mystery at the hotel, there's a missing body

Adam : Wait Ciara dint you come the motel with a man (Rain) last night who promised you a drink and it turn out to be a lie so you threw her off the balcony and this happens

Ciara : pss x2

Abigail : what, now is not a good time ciara were trying to solve the mystery okay

Ciara : nah i definetly kill the b!@#$(rain) dude. that was me.

Abigail : ok okay

Adam : can you clarify exactly what happened, can you tell us the story

Ciara : oh okay, i got someone to with story presenting your narraTOOOOOORRR

Abigail : pppfffttt

Adam : hehehe

Ciara : that was your que

Gimmy : oh was it

Ciara : yeah that was your que you were suppose to come out.

Gimmy : it was a warm summer evening

Abigail : oh fudge 

Gimmy : Ciara brought this male compatriot back to the hotel room, for a night of plundering and colour in the lines IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. things in the night got a little bumpy Ciara went to share her cookies only to find out that the boy had already eaten them all. Ciara wasn't having any of that BUISNESS. Thing were FLIPPED, emotions were HIGH and eventually so were the cookies. Ciara FLIPPED not only out on his emotions BUT HE FLIPPED THE SOFA. TUMBLING THE MAN OVER THE EDGE.

Abigail : okay you know what Ciara stands right here.

Ciara : right here?

Abigail : Yeah right there

Ciara : okay

Abigail pulls out a gun

Ciara : WHA


Ciara : AAAGGG


Gimmy : okay there we go it looks like we found the body and uh (abigail drops the gun) yeah theres the murder weapon. there done lets go home

Adam : okay everybody walk away like nothing happened

Abigail : okay see you later guys

Adam : bye

Gimmy : bye

Little Brother Knows Best (abigail's little brother) A rainimator fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now