Chapter 11 : 2 Siblings 2 Sides

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Adam : is It really you

Abigail : It is Its me

Abigail Hugged Adam tightly, Adam did not juga back but he was obviously enjoiying cause of The tears of Joy coming out of his eyes.

Scorch : you Sure This guy is supposed to be The nether Prince he Hardly has The abilities to be one

King glutton : scorch watch your mouth

Scorch : im being honest here, he has The ability to become a kid of fire but his other 2 abilities can also spell our doom.

Naues : we also know that scorch, but he has The power of an enderkin as well. We could use It to manipulate some enderman and possibly The ender dragon to Join our faction

Adam : What do you Mean use me. And why are you guys suggesting that i do bad things with my Powers

Abigail : there not bad things Adam, there good things with your help we can finally conquer The over world and make It our own. Then we can Make a little House and Live happily together just Like we used to.

Adam thought about It for a second he thinks about how things can turn back to normal if he joined The nether with Abigail. But at The same time he thought about all The friends he Made Before he got here. Vordus, Zeg, Rain, Patrick, azura, Hilda, daryll and especially ceris, he thought about them and how heart broken they Will be if they see there friend switch sides.

So he awnserd 

Adam : No

Abigail : What

Adam : im sorry sister, as much as i want to be with you again, i cant join you in doing such crimes

Abigail : but aren't you tired of this chaos, if you join us we can end this quickly

Adam : sorry abi, i made a promise to both the frostbourne and the ender watchers to use my abilities to aid them. And plus you were absent for 4 years in my life.

Abigail eyes narrowed on adam, she was dang right betrayed and heart broken.

Abigail : and what did you do, did you even try to come and find me, i lived for you i made sure you were never forgotten.

Adam : abi i spent 2 years of my life trying to find you and just like that you joined the side that almost killed me

Abigail was so angry that she now had the ruby staff in her arms, ready to stun her brother if he decides to insult her again.

Abigail : if you dare make a mean comment about me one more time, i swear to god this blade is going through your neck.

Adam : fine i had a better sister anyway in the end, you decide to scream those words at me so apparently you insulted me

Abigail couldnt keep her anger back anymore she went for Adams heart, the same part where adam hit her hard with his words. But as she went for it Adam effortlessly grabbed the tip of the staff. Everybody was shocked at what he done, his palm wasn't even bleeding from the Scarlett red tip. He then grabs the ruby staff out of Abigail's hands, the guards are ready to attack him if he decides to use it on the nether princess, but instead he snaps it into 2 pieces with his knee and throws the pieces away where they land in-front of Abigail's feet


??? : you know it was selfish for all of you to start commenting on his powers and what you can do with them. And plus i think its rude to start bad talking at the end queens brother

Abigail : who side are you even on eneri he's supposed to be the nether prince, he's suppose to fulfill his role.

adam looked to the side, a girl completely dressed in black and 2 horns on each side of her head was intervening the siblings argument.

Eneri : he doesn't have to be a prince Ms. crysteffor and plus he already earned the trust of both the ender watchers and the frostbourne, or as some sources say they earned his trust. And because of you joining the dark side and trying to make him join the dark side as well, you just lost his trust.

Abigail : (Her eyes closed) And now you lost the trust (Opens her eyes revealing them now to be wait) of us you scum bag

Glutton : dear princess please calm down.

Eneri : curse me all you want, you sour apple its not my fault you can get blind so easily. 

Adam : oh dang

Everybody looked at the 4 horned girl. everybody looked at her with pure anger and disgust for addressing one of there monarchs like that.

Glutton : guards take her way

the pigmens came in and took the eneri girl away.

Naues : adam dear child, it your destiny to join us. besides the 2 armies you call allies are only using you for your strength.

Adam : the frostbourne needed the ender watchers strength. i became friends with some of them at least. 

Adam walked up towards one of the windows of the building to get a better view of the hellish realm.

Adam : the end queen took me in thats obviously proof that she loves me, while abigail here has no more proof whether she loves me or not, that was actually really smart trying to make me join the nether realm by thinking about the past. but you forgot show me one thing that could possibly made me join.

Abigail : what is it, i gave you that wring, i hug you tightly, im gonna have tears coming out of my eyes because of it. 

Adam : you dint show that you actually cared for me, you immediately started about my abilities.

Abigail : well you can leave if you want, cause were no longer siblings

Everybody stood in shock as the nether princess said the following words, but Adam didn't even flinch at the comment.

Adam : we may not be siblings anymore, but i'll always be your brother.

Abigail : do you think i care

Adam : understandable

Adam stood up on the window frame

"have a nice day" he said, and he jumps of the window the nether commanders looked towards the lava, and gets ready to watch his body melt under the orange molten liquid, Abigail only stared in shock as her brother committed suicide, she fell to her knees and tears started coming out of her eyes. she actually did care but just dont know any other way to show it.

But at that moment the building shook and a huge gust of wind entered the whole room. everybody looked out towards the window, only to see Adams dragon in its fire form and Adam was riding on it. the dragon roared towards the nether inhabitants before making a sharp turn to the left and entering a portal that left the nether world and back to the over world.

(at the frostbourne)

Ceris : do you guys have any signs on him

Azura : sorry not yet

Ceris has been panicking for an entire hour, she cant think of anything else except for her missing brother. the entire frostbourne kingdom and the entire end has been on a massive manhunt. but when everybody notices that his dragon is gone it must have been summoned by the young boy to come to him.

And there statement was correct as the dragon appeared in fire form and adam was riding on his back. ceris immediately took action and came up towards him, but instead of him trying to recall the intense activity with a pumped expression in ended up being a sad face with a massive hug

ceris hugged back and felt his head to try and see what has he been through. and what she saw shocked her. now instead of her willing to meet abigail and talk to her, she wanted to sneak in to her room and slit her throat.

Little Brother Knows Best (abigail's little brother) A rainimator fanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя