Chapter 4 : Renovation

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Ceris woked up, since she wasn't sick anymore she could stand up and use her equipment correctly. When she opened her eyes she noticed that her room was more furnished then before and her bed was 2 times bigger then its original size, it had 2 pillows, 2 bolsters and 1 big blanket, she got off the bed to feel something soft on her feet, she looked down to see a purple carpet and when she looked at her table she saw a purple and pink lava lamp and a mug of coffee sitting right next to it. She took the mug and drank all the coffee and went back to observing her room, they were streams of purple lights on the ceiling, a small desk with a quill and pencil on it and 2 more closets.

"am I dreaming" she thought. She looked into the original closet that was always there and all the almost destroyed items were now organized in containers, the torn up clothing were now referred to as reusable fabric, the broken metal were now going to be used as forging materials, the rotten food were now going to be fertilizer and the purple objects are now going to be used as decorations.

She looked into the other closets, in the second closet she found interesting looking outfits, there were jackets, vest, blouse, leggings, mask and boots all placed neatly in there chosen spots and in the last closet was weapons, the ender great sword was sitting in the middle being the core of all the other weapons which are katana's, karambits and chains possibly the ones that are similar to adams.

She obviously chosed the ender greatsword and picked her new outfit, which is the leggings, a purple blouse, a long jacket and purple boots, she exited her room and into the field where she looked into one of the water streams that adam made for the End, there were small lily pads and flowers on them, with colorful fish swimming around them. She looked around to see other interesting things that adam did around the place and saw a field of chorus fruit tree's with endermans planting, and look towards the other islands and see's a big tent, she was going to teleport towards it but notices a bridge connecting towards it, so instead of wasting her energy she decides to take the bridge and went into the tent, there were tables filled with food and beverages from the overworld, the floor wasn't end stone but tiles made out of purpur blocks and when she looked around again adam was talking to a bunch of enderman. His out fit was now just like ceris black and purple colors all around it and blue color shades on the right sleeve on his shirt where his new chain weapon is being wrapped around his wrisk.

Ceris : Adam!

Adam : Hi big sis good morning, did you sleep well ?

Ceris : I slept pretty well I think, I liked the new bed and I like all the organizing in my room

Adam : And I see that you've chosen a new style

Ceris : yes I think I could use a break from my old hoodie, I look more wise like this and did you made all the improvements all by your self.

Adam : kind of, zeg, vordus and the dragons helped me with all the improvements her. But Im the one who helped with wet stuff and the painting thats on the ceiling.

Ceris looked up into the ceiling where adam painted her, zeg, vordus and the dragon together with enderman standing behind all 4 of them.

Ceris : wow, did Abigail taught you all of this.

Adam : yeah, I still really miss her tho

Ceris : aawww its okay sweety im sure she'll find you someday, you just have to hope.

adam : Well she once told me that the good things can sometimes come out of the bad things, anyways there something else I would like to show you follow me.

Ceris followed adam around until they come across another big tent, inside other enderman are fighting each other, so it was some sort of place for training .

Ceris : Is this some sort of training ground.

Adam : If that's how you wanna say it yeah. I tooked on a bunch of other enderman and then there some younger enderman that tried to take me on, but I went soft on them cause they lack strength I was gonna ask you to challenge me but I thought about it, cause your kind of a bit sick today and I did not want to disturbed.

Vordus : ADAM, where should we put the enchantment table

Adam : go to the library I built and put it in the very middle part, the book shelfs that are there are all filled with knowledge that are related to both combat, defence and magic the more books that are there the more powerful the enchantments get.

Ceris : ooooo enchantment room.

Adam : I thought our equipment could use some more modifications so I went back to the overworld, went into a cave mined up a bunch of lapis, emeralds and diamonds, went to a local village that had some really good stuff and traded all that for a bunch of enchantment books and came all the way back here.

Ceris : I dint know you were this hard working do you work a lot before you met us

Adam : yup, Abigail taught me how to cook, to farm, to craft and to build.

Ceris : you think theres a chance ill meet her.

Adam : probably, she's strong she can take on anything.

Ceris : Brother instincts still standing strong

Adam : and it was time i share my brother instincts with you. Anyways wanna see this cool trick I can do.

Ceris : what is it.

Adam : (Show his chain to her) ok, first it's a water chain (Slams it into the ground) Now it's a fire chain.

Ceris : oooooo can your dragon do that to

Adam : he can but that's his choice depending on what situation it is.

Adam continued to show ceris around the entire end kingdom, he did quite a lot when ceris was asleep. He even changed the ender watchers head quarters, there is now a huge round table with the map of the end and the overworld on it, pictures of every single ender watcher leader in history and pictures of the current ender watcher members, adam wasn't featured cause he was still new, but ceris insist that he actually is one. Many of the enderman took a huge liking towards adam cause his humor, his strength and friendly personality.

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