Arguing with Rowan and Talking to Fenrys

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Five years later
Ember has been a handful these past five years. Rowan's been training her on using her powers. We realized a couple days after she was born that she has both mine and Rowan's powers.

Lysandra has been taking every opportunity to steal Ember away from Rowan which makes Rowan mad but it honestly gets kind of funny.

"Rowan you know you need to let Ember be with everyone else," I tell my mate while we are getting ready for bed.

I just tuck Ember into bed. Her room is right across from mine and Rowan's.

"I am," he tells me.

"Rowan letting her spend 30 mins with everyone is not enough time," I tell him.

"That's only when she's with Fenrys!" He tells me.

The day Ember was born, Fenrys held her and the look in his eyes when he looked at her revealed that she was his mate.

"Rowan you can't be like that! Fenrys is going to be a part of Embers life from now on! You saw the look he made when she was born! She's his mate, Rowan! You can't change that no matter what you say or do, she'll always be his mate!" I explain to him.

Rowan has pretty much resented Fenrys after Ember was born.

"There is no way my daughter is Fenrys's mate!" Rowan says.

"You can't decide everything! Who Fenrys's mate is, isn't something you control, Rowan! Even if it's Ember!" I shout.

"He will never touch my daughter!" Rowan shouts.

"Would you listen? You're going to ruin y'all's friendship over this! Ember might be-" I start but he cuts me off.

"If he lays a finger on my daughter then he is dead!" Rowan growls.

"Like I said, Rowan you can't control everything! You can't decide who our daughters mate is!" I tell him.

"Watch me!" He growls again.

"I'm not arguing with you about this so when you learn to except everything then I'll talk to you but until then don't bother!" I tell Rowan.

I storm out of our room and go into the living room. I notice Fenrys sitting on one of the couches.

"Hey," I say; waking over to him.

"Rowan's pissed isn't he?" Fenrys asks.

"You could say that but he'll get over it, Fenrys. Once he understands that he can't change anything," I tell him.

I lay a hand on Fenrys's shoulder.

He looks up at me.

"I think my daughter is lucky that you're her mate. I wouldn't trust anyone else," I tell him.

"Thanks Aelin," he tells me.

"And just give Rowan some time to cool off," I say.

"I will," he tells me.

I pull him into a hug. He's hesitant at first but hugs me back.

"Now you try to get some sleep," I tell him.

He smiles at me.

He stands up and walks out of the living room.

I decide to stay on the couch all night.

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