Rowan Suspects Something

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A few days later
We've been traveling for days now and I can feel the lack of sleep and rest weighing me down. I hope the others can't tell how tired I am because then they'll make me rest and I don't want that. We only have so many days left before Mauve and Erawan reach Terrasen. 

Even though it's been just a few days since I found out that I am pregnant, I don't even know how long I've been pregnant for before finding out, I can feel my body growing tired a lot easier.

"Aelin we need to stop for a little before we all grow tired," Rowan says; beside me.

"We can't now Rowan. We need to get to Terrasen before Mauve and Erawan do," I say.

"And we will but we have a few days to spare. Aelin we are all tired, you are tired. You haven't slept hardly any since we got you back," my mate tells me.

"I know I haven't gotten much sleep but that's because I'm scared. I want this war to be over and the faster we get to Tarrasen the better!" I tell him.

"Aelin we won't be able to do much of anything if we are all tired, especially you!" Rowan tells me.

I know he's right but I can't stop. The longer we waste the more time Mauve and Erawan have to turn my people into slaves or worse.

"Rowan's right Aelin. We all need to rest for a little and get some sleep," Fenrys says coming to my other side.

I roll my eyes.

"Like I said the faster we get to Tarrasen the better," I say.

"We know that but how is it going to be better when we are to tired to fight?" Rowan asks.

I hate admitting that I am wrong so I never do it but in this case I'm at a lost for words.

I am tired and my body is starting to hurt.

"Fine we'll stop but only for a little bit," I tell them.

We find a nice spot that's covered and Rowan announces that we are going to stop for a few hours. I hear everyone sigh in relief.

An hour later
As I see everyone happy and relaxing I start to feel guilty about not letting them stop.

Rowan problem senses my guilt because he walks over to me.

"What's on your mind, Fireheart?" My mate asks me.

"A lot of things Rowan. From the war, to being locked up in an iron box with an iron mask and chains, to wondering if Aedion, Lysandra and Dorian are safe, and now I feel guilty for not stopping sooner," I admit everything to him; leaving out the part that I am carrying his baby inside of me.

"Everything is going to be ok. I promise you that Aedion, Lysandra, and Dorian are safe and are doing ok, Aelin. You don't need to feel guilty about not stopping sooner because everyone here knows that you need to get back to Terrasen," Rowan tells me.

I sigh.

I really wish I could tell Rowan about the baby, but I know that the second he finds out he will do everything to prevent from being near the battle.

"That's not all is it?" My mate asks.

He knows me so well that it hurts.

"That's all," I lie straight through my teeth; hoping he won't catch it.

"Aelin what are you hiding from me?" Rowan asks.

"Nothing!" I lie again.

I give him an innocent smile.

"Aelin," he says.

"I'm not hiding anything, Rowan," I say.

He sighs and we drop the conversation for the rest of the day.

The PrincessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon