The Birth

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A few months later
I wake up in the middle of the night to pain coming from my stomach. Then I feel my water break.

I slap Rowans arm to wake him up.

"Oww what was that for?!" Rowan shouts.

"Rowan get up! I'm going into labor!" I scream.

"What?!" He exclaims and jumps up.

"The baby is coming. Get Yrene!" I shout.

He turns the lights on and puts on some clothes.

The pain gets sharper and I recognize it as contractions.

An hour later
Yrene just got here and now everyone is awake.

Yrene checks how much I have dilated.

"You're only dilated to a three right now, Aelin. At this rate you won't be able to give birth for at least five or six more hours," Yrene tells me.

"WHAT?!" I scream as another contraction comes.

My breathing gets heavy as the pain worsens.

I feel Rowan stroke my hair as he sits beside me.

I grip his hand as hard as I can until the pain subsides.

When it finally does my breathing slows and I loosen my grip.

"Aelin I know this is going to sound stupid but every time a contraction comes just remember to take deep breaths. It'll help a little bit," Yrene tells me.

I look at her and nod.

I want this baby out of me now!!

I don't even notice when Lysandra and Elide walk in.

"Good y'all are here," Yrene says.

I look and that's when I notice them.

"What are you two doing in here?" I ask them.

"We're going to help as much as we can," Lysandra tells me.

I nod; grateful to have them in here.

Five hours later
Yrene checks me again.

"Ok Aelin you're dilated to a ten now. I'm going to need you to push against the pain when I tell you and stop when I tell you. Ok?" She tells me.

I nod.

I look at Rowan. I grip his hand and he strokes my hair.

Yrene tells me to push once another contraction hits and I do.

The pain is unbearable. I scream and scream.

"Ok Aelin stop," she tells me and I do.

I feel sweat already dripping down my forehead. Tears of pain fall from my eyes.

Rowan wipes them away.

Another contraction comes and I push and push.

Yrene tells me to stop again.

"You're doing great, Fireheart," Rowan tells me.

"Ok Aelin just two more big pushes and then it's over," Yrene tells me.

"You can do it, Aelin," my mate tells me.

A contraction comes and I push as much as I can.

"You're doing great, Aelin!" I hear Lysandra say.

I stop when Yrene tells me to.

"One more push, Aelin," Yrene tells me.

I groan in pain.

I think I might have broke Rowan's hand with how hard I'm gripping it.

I start pushing again when Yrene tells me to.

Then the pressure is released from my body.

I sigh in relief.

"Congratulations it's a girl," Yrene tells us.

Tears of joy fall down my cheeks.

Yrene hands me my daughter. I lay her on my chest as I hold her.

She is just precious.

"You did it, Fireheart!" Rowan says and kisses my forehead.

I smile as I look at my daughter in my arms.

Yrene, Lysandra, and Elide leave us alone for a little bit.

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