Rowan Finds Out

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After the fight
When I finally defeat Mauve, I feel my strength leave me.

Pain shoots through my stomach and last thing I see before I black out is the face of my mate.

Rowan's POV
When I see Aelin defeat Mauve I can't help the smile that crosses my face then I see her grip her stomach in pain.

I rush to her side and grab her before she falls. Then she passes out in my arms.

I rush to Yrene knowing that she might be able to help her.

When she sees me her face falls to Aelin in my arms.

Everyone crowds around me as I lay my mate on a table.

I know she is still alive through the bond and by the way her chest rises and falls slightly.

Yrene runs a hand over Aelin and stops above her stomach.

"Rowan, Aelins pregnant," Yrene tells me.

I stand there shocked.

"The reason she past out is because one she had a burn out and two she is extremely weak due to the battle with Mauve and the baby inside of her using up some of her strength," Yrene tells me.

I stare at Aelin laying on the table. How could she not tell me? Was she scared of how I would react?

"We'll leave you two alone," Lysandra says.

She shoves everyone out of the room and leaves me there with my mate who is passed out.

I sit in one of the chairs and put my head in my hands.

Aelin's POV
When I wake up I realize I'm no longer on a battlefield but in a room.

I try to sit up but can't. I groan in pain.

I sense someone in here with me and look around and see Rowan sitting in a chair beside me.

"Rowan," I rasp.

He looks at me.

I can see relief, sadness, and slight anger on his face.

"Aelin why didn't you tell me?" He asks.

"Tell you what?" I ask; confused.

"That you're pregnant! Yrene confirmed it!" Rowan tells me.

"Rowan I was going to tell you but-" he cuts me off.

"When? After you're battle with Mauve? When you might've died?!" Rowan asks.

I sit there as tears roll down my cheeks.

"I didn't want you worrying anymore about me than you already were," I say quietly expecting that he doesn't hear it.

"Aelin I'm always going to worry about you. You're my mate, my wife!" He tells me.

I work up enough strength to sit up.

Rowan grabs my hand.

"How long?" He asks.

I shrug.

"I don't know maybe three months," I tell him.

He lays his head in my lap.

I run my fingers through his hair as tears fall from eyes.

"Rowan I love you but you know you get extremely overprotective when I'm in danger and I didn't need that when I knew I was going to be the one to take down Mauve," I say.

He sighs against my thighs.

"I know I do but...Aelin I can't loose you," he says.

"And you won't and you'll be a father soon," I say; trying to lighten the mood.

I feel him chuckle and I smile.

He looks up at me and pulls me into his lap as our lips collide.

The PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora