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Elora puts people she loves before her. She would give her own life for the people she values and loves, which is not very many.

I wake up the next day and still feel like shit, but I feel a little bit better. I lay in bed while Ash is holding me close to him.

I'm scrolling on my phone when he groans and grabs his stomach. I look up at him with my eyebrows furrowed in concern. I put my hand on his forehead and I shit you not, he has a fever.

"Ash what did I tell you?" I huff. "It's okay." He says reassuringly and chuckles. We sit there for around an hour until Ash jumps up and runs to the bathroom. I jump up and follow after him. He leans over the toilet and starts puking. Poor baby.

I rub his back while he pukes his little guts out. "It's ok baby. Better in than out." I say. He stops puking and we both stand up. I hop on the counter while he brushes his teeth.

He rinses his mouth out and stands in between my legs and groans, leaning over and resting his head on my chest.  I let out a little chuckle and wrap my arms around him. "I don't feel good." He says in a quiet, croaky voice. "No shit." I say and chuckle. I let go of him and hop off the counter and we walk downstairs and I give him medicine.

On the way back to his room, We see Fez on the couch. "You guys dying?" He asks. You both looks over and nod.. He laughs and you guys walk up to his room. You lay down on the bed and Ash lays on your chest.

Your phone starts ringing and you pick it up of the nightstand.

"Hey maddy."

"You need to get over here right now, It's an emergency."


I hang up and jump out of bed and put on some new clothes. "Where are you going?" Ash asks. I'm too busy rushing to answer him.

I run downstairs and out the door. I hop in the car and start speeding to Maddy's house.

I screech in the driveway and run in the house. Maddy is sitting in the living room with Kat, BB, and Lexi. "What the hell is wrong?" I ask, out of breath from running. "Cassie fucked Nate." Maddy says while looking at me. Her eyes are red and puffy and mascara runs down her face.

I walk over and bring her into a hug. "Where is she?" I ask her. "Her house." Maddy says. We pull apart and I grab her hand and start taking her to the car while everyone follows.

We all get in the car and I start driving to Cassies house. "Where are we going?" Maddy asks. "To beat this bitch up." I say. The whole car ride is silent.

I pull up to the large house and we all get out of the car and walk inside the house. Maddy leads me to Cassies room. I wait outside the door and hear kissing noises and groans from inside the room. I bang on the door with both hands. "Cassie open the fucking door!" I yell. I hear people whispering and footsteps toward the door. The door opens and she's in a bra and underwear. "Uh... yeah?" She asks, her eyes darting around nervously. I look behind her and hear shuffling from inside her closet. 

I shove past her and open the closet doors to reveal a shirtless Nate. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Maddy yells. I turn and look at Cassie, my hands balled up and my nails digging into my palms. "Sorry Mads. I stole your man." She says and smiles. "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch!" I say back. "Aw. scared I'm gonna steal your man too?" She says in a snarky tone. I laugh and then walk up to her. "Watch your mouth before I beat the shit out of you." I say quietly. "You better watch your man. I'm gonna steal him next." She says and snickers.  I snicker back, mocking her, and then I punch her in the face. She punches me back, making a cut above my eyebrow. I start throwing merciless punches to her body and face. I get her on the ground and start beating her senseless. I feel someone grab me and drag me away. I look behind me and see Nate dragging me away from Cassie. "PUT ME DOWN YOU FUCKING  PIECE OF SHIT!" I yell and try to fight him. He drags me downstairs and shoves me in the back of the car while Maddy starts the car and drives off. Blood drips down my face. I silently sit in the back, calming down.

She parks in her driveway and she gets out with Kat, BB and Lexi. I hop in the driver's seat. "Thanks babes." Maddy says. "No problem." I say and drive off.

I get back to the house and park the car. I open the door and see Fez and Ash on the couch. Their heads whip up and they just look at me. "Where the fuck you been?" Ash asks coldly. "Places." I say and start walking upstairs when Ash grabs me and turns me toward him. His eyes are cold and hard. "Nah Where the fuck you been? and what the fuck happened to your face?!" He says and lifts my head up. I give him a cold glare and shove past him. I run up the stairs and into the bathroom, I lock the door behind me and start cleaning up my face.

I finish cleaning the blood when someone bangs on the door. "Open the fucking door." I hear Ash say coldly. I ignore him and put a bandage over the cut and throw all of the bloody cotton pads away. He bangs on the door again. "What the fuck do you want?!" I ask coldly and walk over to the door and open it. He bursts through the door and wraps me in a really tight hug. I'm hesitant, but I hug him back. "Maddy told me what happened." He says quietly. I sigh and bury my face into his chest.

He pulls me away from him and grabs my face. He gives me a kiss and pulls away, his eyes flicking back and forth from my right eye to my left. "Don't do that shit ever again." He says. His eyes soften and he gives me a faint smile and pulls me back into a hug. The gun in his waistband is digging into my side but I don't care. I never wanna leave this moment.

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