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"Yo El, me and Ash gotta go pick something up, should take like 15 minutes tops. Got it?" Fez says. "Okay." I say and watch Fez and Ash drive away.

The first few minutes are chill. It's around 10 at night so not many people stop by at this time. I decide to start restocking some shelves. I grab a box and walk over to the shelf and start restocking them.

All of a sudden a black car screeches to a halt outside and 2 men barge through the door. One of them big and bald with tattoos, the other is skinny and small with a baseball cap on.  "FEZ! WHERE TF IS MY MONEY!" He yells. I accidentally brush my hand over a bag of chips making it fall to the ground. Their heads snap over to my direction. They both charge at me. They grab my arms and tie them behind my back, I sit down against the counter.

"Who tf are you?" The skinny one asks. "None of your fucking buisness." I say and sneer at him. He kicks me In the stomach. I let out a huff and then look up at him again, smirking. "Where's fez you little bitch." The big one asks. "Suck my dick." I say and smile at him. He punches me in the face and stands back up. "What's up your ass?" The skinny one asks. "Your dad's dick." I say and start laughing. The big one punches me again, his cold rings digging into my skin making cuts on my face. "I'm not gonna ask you again." The big one says pulling out a pocket knife. "Where. Is. Fez." He asks through gritted teeth. "Suck. My. dick." I say back and spit blood at his face. It lands on his cheek and he wipes it off with a disgusted look.

"Have you ever tried fentanyl?" The small one asks. I just stay silent. He pulls out some drugs and puts a tiny drop onto the knife. He leans down and forces me to take it. It instantly kicks in and I feel like I'm floating. Weird patterns appear before eyes and the room starts spinning. My muscles relax and I feel drowsy. "Where is fez." The small one asks. I start laughing. I feel a fist make contact with stomach. I keep laughing. "Fuck you." I say, my words slurred. The small one ties a handkerchief around my mouth. "That'll teach you to shut your bitchy mouth." He says.. The big one leans down to my ear. "Tell Fez we said hi." He says. His hand thrusts forward. I groan loudly, a sharp pain in my stomach causes me to hunch forward. They walk out of the store, patterns still swirling in my eyes.

It's almost like I'm asleep, but not fully. I can see things going on around me but I'm not fully aware of what's happening. 

I hear a car pull up and the door open.  Voices sound distant, almost like an echo, fast footsteps come toward me. Hands grab my face and untie the handkerchief. A blurry face hovers over mine, but I know that face. That's Ashtray, I feel his hand on my cheek, and his other stroking my hair. I feel his tears drip onto my face. I hear his sobs echo through my head.


We get out of the car and go in the store. I open the door. "Yo we're-" My eyes find Elora laying on the the ground, a handkerchief around her mouth, blood pooling on the floor, a knife sticking out of her stomach, her face bleeding, and her eyes struggling to stay open. "FEZ!!!" I scream. I run over to her and collapse next to her. I grab her head and put it in my lap while I untie the handkerchief and stroke her hair. She's out of it, she's drugged. Fez runs over and collapses next to her too and takes the knife out.. My eyes start to well up with tears and before I know it, I'm sobbing and begging her to stay.
"P-please.... stay... I l-love you... please." I beg quietly. "Cmon bruh, we gotta get her back home." Fez says. I pick up her limp body and put her in the back of the car. I climb in the back and hold her while we speed home. I put pressure on her stomach. After what seems like forever, we get home. I pick her back up and run inside and put her on the couch. Fez runs upstairs and gets supplies. Her blood covers my clothes and my hands. I can't stop fucking crying. I can't lose her. Fez runs back downstairs with an armful of medical supplies. "Bro go upstairs and change. I'll take care of her." Fez says. I shake my head. "I don't wanna l-leave her." I say through choked sobs. "She's gonna be okay. None of her organs got hit. She's gon be fine." Fez says reassuring me. I nod and then go upstairs. I sit at the top of the stairs and sob while Fez helps her. God, why didn't I stay. She would've been okay if I just stayed. I sit against the wall, balled up and sobbing while thinking about everything. I stay up all night crying, she has this chokehold on me, She feels like a piece of me. I can be a dick sometimes, but I just don't know how to tell her I like her. I've never felt this way.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I look up to see Fez, he sits next to me and rubs my head. "You good bro?" He asks. I shake my head. "I'm listening." He says.

Ash loves Fez. Ash and Fez are like brothers, they grew up together and when shit went down, they would go down together. as brothers. Fez was there for Ash when nobody was. Fez knows everything about Ash. Ash talks to Fez about everything, no matter what. Fezco always listens to Ash and helps him understand his feelings and that's what Ash loves about him.

"I really like her bruh. I don't wanna lose her, she feels like a piece of me you know? She's friendly and thoughtful and the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Her smile makes me feel happy. She makes me nervous any time she's around. I would do anything for her Fez."

"I need her."

He pulls me close to him as more tears escape my eyes. He rubs my head. "You're whipped bro. She definitely loves you too. She's like you, she doesn't know what to do with her emotions. You just need to tell her." Fez says and chuckles. "Ok." I say. "Aight go sleep bruh. I'll wake you up if she wake up." He says and gives me a smile. "Aight." I say and get up and go to my room and think about Elora. Her perfect face, her sweet warm voice that could turn cold any second, her personality, the way she walks, the way her eyes light up when she smiles, the way she sticks her tounge out when she's focused, her attitude... I chuckle to myself. She's got quite the attitude. I slowly drift off to sleep, the only thing in my mind is...


Drug Dealers Lover || AshtrayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora