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I wake up the next day and wiggle out of Ash's tight grip. I leave his room and go downstairs and see Fez talking to a girl on the couch. "Hey elly this is Lexi." He says. She smiles and I give a warm smile back. "I'm Elora, but you can call me elly." I say warmly. She seems like a such a nice person. I walk into the kitchen and make myself some cereal.

I sit at the kitchen table and start to eat my breakfast. After im done, I put my bowl in the sink and wash it out and go sit by the desk that shows the security cameras on the computers. I put my feet onto the table and pull out my phone. I hear laughing and look over to see Fez and Lexi laughing on the couch. Cute.

Ash comes running down the stairs and looks around in a panic. He looks over at me and sighs of relief. He runs over to me and gives me a big, tight hug. "Shit, I thought you were gone." He says. "I'm right here dumbass." I say. He chuckles. "You have quite the attitude Ma." He says and chuckles. He pulls away and picks me up, he sits down in the chair and sets me on his lap. His hands are around my waist and his head is on my shoulder.

I look up at the security cams and see a black truck sitting in the driveway. "Hey who is that?" I ask and point to the screen. Ash looks at where I'm pointing, "What the hell?" He says. "YO FEZ! THERES A TRUCK OUTSIDE!" He yells. Fez gets up and pulls a gun out of the couch cushion and walks out the door. He comes back a few minutes later with an old guy, he has a gun pointed at his head. "Sit in the chair." He says. Ash gets up and grabs a shotgun from the desk and I get up and follow him. Fez ties the guy to the chair in the kitchen and Ash stands there with the gun pointed at his head.

"Why the fuck you outside my house Cal?" Fez asks. He doesn't answer. Ash hits him in the head with the butt of the gun. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?" He asks. "Talk!" Ash yells. I go and hop onto the counter.

"You can either call the cops, let me go, or kill me." He says. Ash hits him again. "I bet you don't want the cops to be called. Go ahead! call the fucking cops!" He yells. I burst out laughing as Ash hits him again. "Ow! The fuck you laughing at! Junkie ass whore." He says. Ash hits him a few times in a row. "Yo Ash, chill." Fez says. "Why do you keep hitting me?" Cal asks as blood drips down his face. "Cause you're in no position to talk shit! especially to her!" Ash says. "I just want the tape." He says. "What tape?" Fez asks. "This girl named Jules or something, I hooked up with her." He says. I feel myself get angry. "The fuck you mean by that?" I say hopping of the counter and walking up to him. "The tape. of her." He says. "You recorded that shit!?" Fez says. I feel my fingernails digging into my palms. I lean down and harsh grab his face. "Listen here you fucking dick, give me one fucking reason I shouldn't blow your brains out the back of your fucking head." I say through gritted teeth. He smirks and looks down at my lips and back to my eyes. I clench my jaw and back up. I turn around and out my hands on the top of my head, trying to control my anger. "I didn't know." He says. "You didn't know you recorded that shit?" Fez says. I've had enough.

I spin around and punch him across the face over and over again. Ash shoves the gun into Fez's chest and grabs me and pulls me away. "YOU FUCKING BITCH! IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU! I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD I WILL KILL YOU AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE YOU PERVERTED PIECE OF SHIT!" I scream as I try and fight Ash's grip. He drags me into the bathroom and locks the door. He let's me go and stands in front of the door. "Let me out." I say sternly. "Hell no." Ash says. "Ash, Let. Me. out." I say. He doesn't say anything and stands there until I calm down.

"You good now?" Ash asks me. "Yeah." I say and let out a sigh. "Go in my room, I'll come and get you when it's over." He says. I roll my eyes. "Hey, don't give me that attitude." He says. "Fine." I say and walk out the door and into Ash's room. I shut the door behind me and he walks back downstairs.

I sit in his room for a few minutes and get bored. I decide to climb out of his window and sit on the roof.

I open the window and climb out onto the roof of the house. I lean down and sit cross legged on the roof while the sun sets. It's the prettiest sunset I've ever seen. The colors spread across the sky like a painting. The sun sets and stars appear in the dark sky. I climb back down and into Ash's room. As I'm shutting the window, he walks in the room.  I turn around and see him facing the wall, leaning his head on the wall. "You okay?" I ask walking towards him. He sighs and I grab his shoulder and turn him towards me. He gives a weak smile and sighs again. "I'm just a little stressed." He says quietly. I wrap him in a hug around his waist and just hold him there while we slowly sway back and forth. I feel him melt into my arms. "It's ok baby." I whisper and rub his back.

We just stay there for a few minutes. We pull away and I give him a kiss on his jawline. A smile spreads across his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask and chuckle. "You're so beautiful." He says and smirks. I feel myself blushing. I giggle and bury my head in his chest. He laughs and wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say back.

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