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The first time Elora took drugs it was the best moment of her life. She finally got to forget everything in her life for a small moment. She wasn't into anything heavy like Heroine, just light drugs, but it still did its job. She wasn't into heavy stuff, that shit was too much. She's seen what it does to people.

I open my eyes and look at the ceiling, memories start flooding back of what happened last night. I groan and lift my head up. I'm in my sports bra and some basketball shorts. The room smells like weed, which is comforting. I groan again and sit up. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, my feet dangling.

(just a little side note... we're short... like 4'11")

I look down, the boy is sleeping on the carpet floor, his mouth slightly open and light snores escaping his mouth.

I carefully get up out of the bed and walk out of the room. I wander around and explore the house and get to know the rooms. I go downstairs and see Fez on the couch smoking a blunt and watching T.V. "Hey kid. How you feelin?" He says in a slurred monotone voice. "Never better." You say and flash a smile. "There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry." He says. "Aight cool. Fez right?" I ask him. "Yeah. How about chu?" He asks. "Elora." I say and walk into the kitchen. I grab a knife and make a sandwich

I walk back into the living room and sit on the other couch. "So what happened last night?" Fez asks. "My dad kicked me out and I have nowhere to go so I was walking around and they tried to get me naked and shit and I refused so they shot me." I say. Fez looks at me with a concerned look. "But I'm cool." You say with a smile. "You can crash here if you want, you seem chill." Fez says.

"Thanks man." You say. "Anytime." He says. You sit there for a few hours and talk with Fez. You click with him and he's like the older brother you never had. You both get along really well. He tells you him and Ashtrays story and he also tells you alot about their drug dealing  business.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. My head turns to see Ash walking downstairs. He looks at me and rolls his eyes. "The fuck is she still doing here?" He asks. "She's gonna be crashing here for as long as she wants." Fez says. "Why?" Fez asks. "Because she's like you." Fez says. You glare at him. He looks at you and walks into the kitchen and makes food.

He comes back and sits next to Fez. He looks at you, "What's your name?" Ash asks you. "Elora." You say. "Cool." He says and looks back at the T.V.
"Take this to the sink." He says holding out his empty cereal bowl to you. "Take it yourself." I say and sneer at him. "Did you not fucking hear me?" He says standing up. You stand up too and look up into his cold eyes. "Oh I fucking heard you loud and clear." I say and smile at him amusingly. He turns and walks to the kitchen. "You're a bitch." He says as he sits next to Fez. "You're a dick." I say back. He sends me a cold glare, and I send one back.

Ash never wanted love. Not love like him and Fez had, but romantic love. But he just couldn't help but feel attached to Elora ever since he saw her. Her wavy, long, jet black hair, or her stunning eyes, one was emerald green and the other was icy grey, the prettiest eyes I've ever seen and they could cut through someone like a knife. She was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen. But he tried to resist these feelings... only making them even stronger.

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