Epilogue Chapter Two | Sickness

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Epilogue Chapter 2 |  sickness
Gabriella's Pov

For the past week I've been feeling sicker and sicker as the days pass.

Grey keeps telling me that he can call off of work to make sure I'm okay, but I keep telling him I'm okay.

Now I know, you're probably like.. why the fuck wouldn't you use your sickness as an excuse to have your hot ass husband home?

Well.. good question but I know why I'm sick. I kept complaining to my mom about my pains as a daughter does. She said I had all the symptoms of pregnancy.

I couldn't believe it so I went to the doctors with my mom while Grey was away for the week.

As always, the mothers always right.

Yup, I was pregnant. 5 weeks pregnant.

I have no clue how I'm gonna tell Grey. We've had conversations before about starting a family but we were both pretty busy with work and I still had college.

I'm guessing he wouldn't be too surprised because we've been having sex without a condom for a while.

Im gonna have to figure out a creative way to tell him.

2 weeks later..

So does someone wanna let me know why the fuck Grey has been really distant. I'm talking about coming home at 3 am when he usually comes home at 12, not cuddling me when we're sleeping, and barley talking to me unless you wanna count when he says "how are you feeling". Like shut the fuck up Grey and give me attention.

I woke up this morning and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

I was trying to be quiet so I don't wake Grey up but when I walked back to the bedroom he was already sitting against the headboard on a phone call.

When he looked up and saw me he looked anxious but that expression faded very quickly.

If I'm gonna be honest. I wanna cry. I don't know if it's because im getting more emotional because of my pregnancy or I have the right to wanna breakdown at the fact that the love of my life might be cheating on me.

"Are you okay?" Grey says pushing up a pillow against the head board for me to sit.

I nod, holding back tears. I try to take a deep breath but I feel a tear falling down my face.

"I'll call you back later." Grey says, ending the call.

I wipe my tear before he can notice.

"Who was that?" I say, smiling. Trying so hard to not sound like I'm about to breakdown.

"um. Just something for work." He says, pushing me closer to him.

I can't hold it in. Why is he lying to me?

Tears run down my face as I'm against his chest but I couldn't let him see me crying.

"I'll be right back." I say quietly, pulling away from him.

I turn my face away and try to walk away but he grabs me.

He got up with me but I kept my face away from him.

"Look at me." He says.

More tears start running down my face. He's gonna break my heart like this.

He turned me around harshly when I refused.

"Why are you crying?" He says.

I laugh. Out loud.

"Ha. Why am I crying? Are you fucking stupid? If you're thinking the love of your life is cheating on you what are you gonna do? Be happy?" I say, my voice louder than usual.

He froze. Confusion all over his face.

"So what? You're gonna deny it. Please Grey, save me the excuse and stop being a pussy. Own up to your mistakes." I say, now yelling.

"What the fuck are you even saying? Cheating? Who said I was cheating on you?" He says.

"Oh so you coming home at 3am, not cuddling me, and barley talking me. For fucks sake Grey! We haven't had sex in weeks!" I say, tears pouring down my face.

He didn't say anything. I fucking knew it.

I try to run out of the room but he caught up to me and grabbed me.

"let go of me! I cant even face you right now!" I say, trying to fight his grip.

He tightens his grip, pushing me onto the bed.

He holds my hands above my head with one of his hands as he holds my waist with his other.

"How about you listen to me before you jump to whatever the fuck your taking about, tell me why the fuck I would cheat on you." He says, his voice increasingly getting louder.

I try to struggle out of his hold but he wouldn't budge.

"Jeez Bella, I love you more than you love me, believe me." He says quietly, resting his head on my shoulder.

"I've been busy with a surprise for you and the little human growing in here." He says, rubbing my stomach.

I froze.

He knew.

He knew

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