Chapter Thirty - One | Two Years Later

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Chapter 31 | 2 years later

Grey's pov

"I'll be there in 5." Chloe says, before ending the call.

It's been 3 years since freshmen year of college, which means we're almost finished with senior year.

Im heading to Bella's senior performance. Does she know I'm coming? No... but did I tell her I can't come? Yes... did I find out she cried when she found out? Yes.. BUT let's hope by the end of tonight, the tears she sheds are happy tears?

Gabriella's pov

"can he seriously not make it?" I tell Brianna.

"I'm sorry Gabby, he really tried." She says, trying to calm me by handing me some water.

I'm backstage waiting for the other performances to end. Everyone is so incredible. I was so devastated when I found out Grey wouldn't make it. The song I was playing today was lyrics we wrote together when we were kids.

Im the last one to preform so im the last one the judges see, that's even more nerve racking.

The last performance before me was coming to an end.

"Is everyone here?" I ask Brianna.

"Yea take a peek." She says

I look through the big red curtains to see everyone I love sitting in the front row. Well, not everyone.



My mom, surprisingly. I never expected her to actually come due to her always "busy" schedule. I also didn't expect her to bring her husband with her. Yup, you heard that right. She married him. That shit bag of a man. He wasn't a significant person in my life, and neither was my mother. I always tell myself I shouldn't let them get to me.

Chloe just sat down, out of breathe for whatever reason because she was just backstage with me. I guess the bathroom is far from here.

Grey's mom and dad are also there. My second parents.

And of course and empty seat for my dad that I reserved just for him. Even if he wasn't physically in this world, I know he's watching.

"I have to go sit in my seat. I love you, you got this." Brianna says, giving me the riggest hug.

"Thank you." I say, trying to relax.

"Are last and Final Performance of the night ladies and gentlemen. Gabriella Martinez a Senior from Juilliard playing the violin!" The speaker says into the microphone.

This is it.

Lights so off.

I step onto the stage.

I can't see anything but I memorized were I should stand.

It's just me, my violin, and the microphone.

I couldn't bring myself to ask for a pianist because it wouldn't seem right if someone played our song.

Thankfully the song still sounded amazing with just the violin.

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