Chapter Three | Thank you

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Chapter 3 | Thank you

Gabriella's pov

Unfortunately, I wake up by a familiar male voice downstairs practically yelling. Please not again.

I lock my bedroom door and check the time. 5 am. I have to get up in an hour. I decide there's really no point in to going back to sleep so I lay in bed listening to them arguing.

My mom smokes and does drugs. It started when my dad died, I don't blame her. The news hit her the worst. She was devastated and heartbroken.

The man downstairs is her drug dealer. My mom doesn't have the money so she uses her body as the payment. I always try to tell her to stop but it ends up with her crying saying she's gonna fix everything, which she never does.

I get ready for school, trying my best to be quiet. I texted Grey to honk and I'll come outside, I don't want him to see what's going on. I don't even know what's going on down there and I really don't know what to expect.

I hear him honk and quickly run downstairs. Before I can reach the door someone slams me into the wall.

"Where are you going." The man says, his breath reeks of alcohol and whatever he shoved down his throat. He's holding both my arms down.

"She's a pretty one, why didn't you tell me about her. I would give you double the amount just to get a taste of her." He says.

"Double? She's all yours." my mom says.

She's not in the right state of mind Gabriella. Your mom would never do this. This isn't even happening right now.

He grabs onto one of my boobs, freeing one of my hands. I push him back and attempt to kick him in the balls. Screaming for help, begging that Grey would hear me.

This makes him angry.

"You little bitch." He says, grabbing my face tightly, covering my mouth.

Tears run down my face as I try to escape his hold.

He's running his down all over my body. He manages to pull of my shirt. Banging on the door stops him from going any further.

Grey's pounding on the door screaming for anyone to open the door.

"Is that your little boyfriend? How about we let him watch the show." The man says, dragging me to the door.

Please no. Grey can't know what's happening at home. I worked so hard to keep it a secret.

The man opens the door to see Grey. The man is only around 5'10. I guess he expected a little boy to be behind that door.

Grey pauses. He looks at the guy, then back at me. I think he's trying to process what's happening. Once he does, he throws a punch at the guys face. He knocks the man to the floor and gets on top of him.

He starts punching the man in the face multiple times, the man's unconscious, there's blood everywhere.

"Grey.. Stop." I beg, grabbing him by the arm.

"You're gonna kill him, Grey please!" I plead.

He finally stop and gets up, takes off his shirt and puts it on me. He grabs my hand and drags me to the car.

We went into his house and he pulled me into his room. I didn't even know what to say, I was still shaken up. Grey was breathing very heavily, pacing back and forth the room. He looked so mad, i've never seen him like this before. I was sobbing uncontrollably.

"I- I didn't throw myself at him." I say between cries. Grey stops mid step and looks at me.

"I- Im sorry" I cry into my hands.

Suddenly, Greys pulls me into his chest. "Hey, hey, it's not you're fault. You did nothing wrong Bella. I'm not mad at you. I know you didn't throw yourself at him" he says.

"Can I stay over tonight? I really don't want go back to that place." I say.

Theirs a pause before he says, "I'm not letting you go back there."

After I calmed down a little, Grey grabs clean folded clothes, a towel, and a tooth brush.

"If you need anything else let me know, I'll be right outside the door, just call out my name" he says with a comforting smile.

I nod and walk Into the bathroom. I feel sick, I wanna scrub off every fingerprint that guy put on me with bleach. I end up showering for more than an hour.

I open up the door and Grey looks down at me. Was he waiting at the door the whole time?

"Are you okay? Do you need anything. I was just on the phone with the cops, I know I should've asked you if I can call them but Bella he almost raped you and I couldn't just sit here and do nothing." He rambles.

"What happened.. when you called." I ask, afraid of the answer.

"The cops asked for your statement but I told them you weren't ready yet. Luckily, the guy was still out cold so they arrested him.. and your mom." He says.

That's what I didn't want to hear. Now I'm officially parentless.

I cry into Greys arms, tightening the arms around his torso tightly. "What am I gonna do now." I cry.

"You're always welcome here Bella, I know it's gonna be hard but it's gonna get better from now on. I'm sorry I couldn't save you earlier." He says, placing his head on top of mine.


I'm laying in his bed, waiting for him to get out of the shower. Once he does he lays right next me.

"Your gonna get sick" I say pointing at his hair.

"I always let it air dry, I'll be fine." He says, pulling the covers over his body.

"No it's not I'll dry it" rolling my eyes, pulling him out of the bed.

We walk into the bathroom and I sit on the counter.

Spreading my legs so he can stand in between.

He leans down as I blow dry his hair. I can feel his hazel eyes staring into mine. I make eye contact with him, smiling. He's helped me forget about everything that happened a week ago.
I really don't think I would be here if he wasn't here right now.

"What?" He says holding in a laugh.

"Thank you." I say.

He sighs. "Bella, don't. I didn't do anything."


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