Chapter 1: I'm Not Going To Write You a Love Song.

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Chapter 1: I'm Not Going To Write You a Love Song.
{Troye's P.O.V.}
I have never in my entire life done corny romantic shit or believe in it because honest to God, it makes me barf. But.
Listen, this is so fucking cheesy, but I'm going to tell you the story of how I fell in love with my best friend, Tyler Oakley. Well, I'll start with how I met him first. No, he was not always a charmer, as a matter of fact, I hated his guts when we first met, but things change & maybe, people do too.
This disgusting interaction took place, many, MANY years ago. (& no, if you're thinking, I'm not cynical about love. I just think all couples are equally annoying as well as romance in general.)

I was 5 years old, walking down the street, in the beautiful city of San Francisco, CA. My Mum had just recently gotten a little ill, so I wanted to cheer her up. I was soaking up the sun along with the surroundings when some turd just ran into me, knocking me to the ground. I was going to yell at him for being a jerk wad, but I closed my mouth as fast as it had began to open.

I could barely see his face because the sun was shining into my blue eyes, but I could hear, "OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY. Are you okay?"
He held his hand out for me to grab, which I gladly accepted. I said all was well, but he seemed to feel rather guilty & didn't believe me. After I had finally managed to compose myself & get in an angle of shade, I finally saw his face as I began to stutter.

"You're... you're Tyler Oakley.
Like. You're a few years older than me & live down the street from me. Our families have known each other forever."

He looked at me rather weird, but then thought about it for a moment. He then quickly shrieked,
"Oh my gosh, you're the Mellets' youngest son. I DO know you. Sorry about your Mom, by the way, I hope she feels better fast."

I blushed as I said thanks & began heading my way to a florist as I had originally planned.
Tyler then chose to scream after me, "Hey, where you goin '?!"
I just yelled back, "To a florist to get flowers for my Mum!"
Tyler smiled as he sprinted, reaching my side, huffing, "Well, not without taking me with you."

Yes, our families have been friends for ages, but this is the first time me & Ty actually bonded or even talked. He helped me pick a nice bouquet of carnations for my Mum & he even came home with me to deliver it to her. I had never seen her look so happy while she pulled me into a hug & kissed my forehead, whispering, "I have raised a fine son."

I walked Tyler down the block, back to his house that night, & every day after that, we began to hang out. It was nice because I didn't really have many friends growing up. Afterall, I was still only 5. Tyler has always been 6 years older than me. So when we first met, me being 5, Tyler was 11. He was always like another big brother to me, someone who protected me & had my back, even if I did have an actual blood related big brother. He became a part of my family & heck, a part of me.

Fluff, I know, but after a few years of knowing Ty, it wasn't really only friendship for me anymore. I knew when that had all changed for me. I was 12 years old while Tyler had finally turned 18 when I realized I had fallen for him a little bit more than I wanted.

We were hanging out with a group of friends, one late night, on the beach. We were being childish & chose to play "Duck, Duck, Goose." It has been Ty's turn to pick the goose, which I already had the feeling it would be me. I had been right after he annoyingly (not to mention SLOWLY.) went around the circle 6 TIMES before he went, "Duck, duck, duck, duck... TWINK! THINK FAST, TROYE BOY!" I was fast, not to mention, light on my feet, so I dashed after him rather fast. He ran all the way down to the pier & I had, of course, caught up with me tackling him & pinning him down to the ground. We were laughing & it was all fun & games until the laughter died down.

I had stopped laughing first, so that I could admire his beautiful smile & crazy laugh, which drove me absolutely mad. He stopped too when he noticed I was staring. I then proceeded to kiss his cheek, which made him smile as well as blush. He lightly pushed me off with me feeling mixed emotions.
"Troye, what are you doing." He didn't really say it as a harsh question or as a question, really. It was more like a soft statement, I suppose.
He sat next to me quietly as I did too, trying to synchronize our breaths.
"Ty, I just. I don't really know. I think I might like you, you know...?"
He looked at me with I don't know what expression exactly. He knew I was gay as did my whole family. Everyone was completely accepting & fine with it. I knew Tyler was gay as well. I know what was the main concern: Our families & the age gap.
He started saying, "Troye, our age-" but then stopped himself, seeming like he was trying to pull his thoughts together first.
He then soft spokenly tried again.
"Troye, I love you. You know that, right?" He took my hand into his, which felt so nice & comforting. I nodded as I patiently tried to listen.
He went on.
"The age gap right now for us is A) illegal. B) uncomfortable. & C) wrong. I'm not letting you down or anything, but I'm saying as of now, we can't."
I quickly nodded to show that I was following. He began to take his hands out of mine & I allowed it. He started to walk away until I began to shout, he stopped.
"So what does this mean?! Will you wait another six years or so until it's the right time?"

Tyler turned around slowly as he spoke with the sweetest voice, "If that's what it takes to be with you. Only time will tell."

I had so many unanswered questions as he left me there with them, but mostly, when can I see you again & did you have feelings for me too?

A few days went by, I went by his house every day. Nothing. A couple weeks, still the same. Nada. Months, knowing he probably had up & left considering he graduated.

I refused to give up, but he didn't ever seem to want to see me. It's like he was avoiding me. I eventually asked my parents if they knew anything about Tyler's location. They told me he chose to go to community college instead of moving away to a university due to unknown personal reasons (...was it me?) & that he started making videos & uploading them to YouTube as a stress reliever. I asked what his channel name was, my parents skeptically looking at each other. Nonetheless, my Father gave in, giving it to me & giving me a great big hug as well. My Mum scolded him as I ran up to my room, opening my laptop, typing furiously.
I started watching every video he had made in the past several months. I noticed he started this the day we stopped talking. Well, the day he elected to start avoiding me anyway. It was like a diary for everyone to see when I used to be his secret keeper, his best friend, but since he didn't have me around for that, he started this. He would've if he didn't just shut me out. I also noticed he was getting lots of attention & subscribers & support rather fast. I realized that maybe to get him back that maybe I should join in too.

I started my own channel & uploaded videos as well. I feel this is the only way to make him hear me, the only way to reach out to him. I still attempted to contact or see him everyday, nothing. But I never got discouraged. You don't just give up on people you love.

[7 years later/Currently.]

I'm now 19 & still making videos, but I have millions of subscribers now & lots of love & support. Me & Ty haven't talked in so long, but I had a feeling he was coming around soon. Today was my 19th Birthday & I had just graduated last year. I didn't want to go to college & my parents respected that.

We made a pact to wait for one another until I was of age for Tyler & now, I am. I know he had boyfriends in the meantime, which was fine, but now it was my turn for a relationship with him.

I hear a doorbell as I opened up the door, hearing an angelic voice I have missed for too long along with someone else's. I felt my heart drop as I opened the door, seeing the boy I love wrapped up in someone else's arms.
Hey guys, so.
I have now officially started a Troyler story, woo!!!!
I hope you guys will love it because I have a feeling I will.
If you like it, be sure to show me love by giving me votes & kind comments.
Thank you as well as much love.
Here goes nothing.

Skipping Heart Beats: ~Troyler Fanfiction.~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat