I love him too pt.13

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We pulled into the parking lot for the sushi restaurant and got out of the car. We walked in. "Are you Corey Schere and Clem Thomson?" we turned to see a girl, she looked about 13 or 15. "Yes that's us." She squealed and held out her phone. "Can i pleas get a picture?" I smiled. "Of course!" she stepped in-front of me and Corey and took a selfie. "Silly face?" I giggled as she took another picture. She turned to us and smiled. "Thank you guys so much i love you guys so much." She squealed again. I held out my arms and she hugged me. "Your welcome." She pulled away and hugged Corey and went to her seat where she was before. "So what do you want?" Corey asked as we walked to the counter. "I'll pay for myself." I smiled at him and started digging in my purse. "No this is for helping me out and i feel bad for everything that's happened to you with guys." He paused for a second to dig in his wallet. "You know, Jake loves you." I looked at him confused. "I love him to." He shook his head. "No i mean, he loves you C. He practically killed Andrew because of what he did. He loves you more than anything C, and Colby. He loves you too but.. he doesn't want the media hurting you. Jake would do anything for you he needs you and you need him but you just don't know it, I think you should talk to him." I looked at the ground mad at myself. Why didn't i see it before Jake and Colby cared about me more than anybody. They loved me and i couldn't see that. I kept my head at the ground until it was our turn to order. "I'll take two Maki trays pleas." Corey smiled at the waiter and looked at me. "Pleas talk to him for me." He paused. "And the house." I looked at him and frowned. "I will i'm going to talk to him tonight." Corey grabbed to trays and smiled at me. "I knew you would come through." What was that supposed to mean? I gave him a fake smile and walked to a little table by a big window. We sat across from each other and talked for what seemed like forever. It was latter in the afternoon and we where both enjoying food, until Corey looked out the window and froze. "What's wrong." I looked out the window to see Seth and Andrew walked over to Corey's car. "Listen go to the bathroom and call the house i'll say that i dropped you off at home and see if they believe me. I'll tell the workers." I nodded and got up. I looked out the window to see them walking into the store. I ran to the bathroom and called Sam. "Yellow!" "Not a time for any jokes Sam." I whispered trying to keep it down. "What's going on?" "I need you and all the other guys their to get here now. Kat and Dev need to stay home i don't want them getting hurt." "Ok but what's going on os everything ok?" I could tell he had me on speaker now because i could here Aaron and someone else in the back asking Sam questions. "Listen Seth and Andrew are here, I need you to get everyone and come to the sushi shack by the new hotel." "Fuck! We're on our way where's Corey?" "He's trying to distract them." I tried to be as quiet as possible but i heard a knock at the door. "One sec." I said in a high voice to try and act like i was someone else. "C come out." I heard Corey and opened the door slightly. "Are they gone?" "They went outside the worker said to grab you." I stepped out and Corey grabbed me. "What's going on." He handed me a hoodie and told me to put it on. "Put the hood up so they don't see you." I did what he said. "I called Sam everyone should be here any minute." He nodded and put me close to his side so they wouldn't be able to see me. We walked to the front counter and ducked down. "Thank you." I mouthed to the lady working at the front desk. "of course." She whispered. I smiled at her and pulled out my phone. Sam texted me saying they where about 2 minutes away. Next thing i knew I saw Colby's car pull into the parking lot. And Everyone rush to the door. I jumped up and ran to Jake. I threw myself into his arms and didn't let go, I was to blind to see it but... I LOVED HIM TOO. He held onto me like it was the end of the world. "It's ok C they won't hurt you. Not when i'm around." I held onto him tighter. "Where did the go!?" I heard Colby ask Corey. "They just walked out like 30 seconds ago." "So they pry saw us come in here." "Get C to the car Jake." Jake held onto me as he took me out to Colby's car. Everyone followed behind us, making sure Seth and Andrew went here.... But they where... sadly. "Where is she?" We all heard a voice behind us and turned around. "Their she is!" Andrew was bruised and hurt badly. Probably from when everyone hurt him. "Leave her alone asshole what did she ever do to you?" Colby stepped forward. "She ran, ran from me. I'm here to finish what i started." My hands stemware's shaking really bad. Jake held onto me tighter so i would feel safer. "You bastard!" Sam yelled at him. "She doesn't deserve any of this she's had a horrible child hood she's gotten hurt more than anybody i know." Sam looked so pissed off as he yelled at Andrew. I felt someone grab me and rip me from Jake. I screamed and reached for Jake but it didn't work. Seth had a tight hold onto me and wasn't letting go. Jake turned around ready to swing on him but couldn't. Nobody had any weapons put Seth was a built guy. He head-locked me, making me gasp for air. The group tuned around to see me trying to pull Seth's arm so he would let go. "DUDE SHE CANT BREATH!" Colby and the rest of them came running up to me. I reached my arm out for Jake. "Cmon Jake! She wants you. Why don't you come save her?" Seth kept running his mouth until Jake snapped. "Oh you bitch." He came running up to me and grabbed my arm. Colby and Corey came over and started hitting and kicking Seth. Seth finally let go of me and i coughed for air. "Shit C." Sam came over and grabbed me. Seth was fighting for his life at this point but it was 3 against 1 .Andrew was gone he must have ran away. Pussy. I held onto Sam and he took me to the car. "Guys let's go!" Colby shouted for everyone to get in while Seth was still trying to get up. Corey ran to his car and drove off. With Colby and us following behind. "C are you ok. Guys i think C needs help." I was practically passed out next to Jake. He held onto me as we drove home. He picked me up bridal style and carried me inside. I grabbed his face trying to calm him down. "Sam go get some water." Colby and Sam both ran to the kitchen grabbing everything they thought i needed. "Oh my god is she ok!" Kat was in-front of me and Jake. "She need water and rest." Jake carried me into my room and sat me down. Sam came in with 3 water bottle and Colby came in after him. Jake lied me down on the bed and sat with me. About 20 minutes latter everyone left but Jake. Jake lied down next to me. I snuggled into him. "I love you too Jake." I whispered to him as he wrapped his arms around me and we both fell asleep.

A/N: I'm making one more part and then this one will be done. Thank you guys so much for reading and i love you all❤️❤️❤️

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