I'm here pt.5

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I woke up to the sound of music blasting from Corey's room "What the hell?" I mumbled as i rolled out of bed. "Why so early in the fucking morning!" i groan and sit up. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was only 9:30 in the morning and i usually slept till 11:00. Damn. I stood up and walked to my closet. I took off my sweatshirts and slipped on a noodle strap dark red crop top. I stumbled out of my room to see Jake standing over the rail by the stairs looking at his phone. "Hey sleepyhead." he said as he snapped his head away from his phone and looked me up and down. "Hey dumb fuck." "that wasn't nice of you!" he said as he started to fake cry. I giggled a little and walked toward Corey's room. Corey was in the shower and singing along to music. I giggled and walked over to where Jake was. "you look cute this morning." he said with a cute smile on his face. He grabbed my hand and spun me around. We heard someone walk out of a room and broke apart. We turned around to see Colby with a towel in his hands and his clothes in another. he was still in the same sweatpants as last night with no shirt on.           "Oh, what's going on here." "nothin, just being stupid." "oh, well Seth one of my old friends is over so i'm going to take a quick shower and be down in like five minutes." he said as he walked by Jake and smacked his ass. Jake did a funny jump when he did it and laughed. Colby just patted me on the head and smiled at me. Me and Jake walked down the stairs to see Kat, Devon, Sam and Seth sitting in the kitchen. "Is everyone awake?" "Nah... Corey's still asleep i think." Seth said eyeballing me "No. He's in the shower." I'm not gonna lie Seth was kinda an asshole sometimes i met him a few times at Colby's and his parties but I wasn't going to look into the matter,he kept staring at me and he was making me a little uncomfortable. I looked at Jake who was standing next to me and nudged him for help. Their was an awkward silence for a few seconds until Jake spoke up. "Hey Seth I think your scaring her." I looked to see him glaring at Seth. Seth was the type of guy that would make out and break hearts he had no boundaries he got mad over stupid things like taking a fry from his plate, it was annoying. "Dude, you got a problem?" I was a little shocked at Seth's comeback. I looked at Jake who was walking slowly up to Seth . "Listen man leave her alone and we won't have any problems. ok?" "ok listen buddy, i'm not having some weirdo with pink hair tell me what to do so step back and let me handle myself." Seth walked around Jake toward me and grabbed my hand. Colby walked into the kitchen and looked at me and Seth holding hands. "Uhhh what's going on here?" "I was just going to show Clem a good time." he looked at me with a smirk on his face and looked back at Colby. I gave Seth a disgusted face and looked back at Colby, i mouthed the words 'help' to him and shook my head. Jake stepped up to me and took my other hand "you know she has a boyfriend right?" "Oh ok and what's his name?" I shook my hand away and stepped back toward Jake  "His name is...fu-" i cut Jake off cause i new he was going to say something stupid. "CRIS! his name is cris." Jake looked at me then back at Seth. Kat walked over and Sam followed behind her. "well..? does he have to know?" I gave him a nasty look and stepped closer to Jake. Jake put his arm around me and pulled me close to him. Seth glared at me and stepped a little closer "doesn't seem like you have a boyfriend if he's hanging onto you like that." "I do he's just protecting me from your dumbass!" "Fuck this man!" Seth ripped his car keys out of his pocket and stomped off to the door
"I'm leaving this was a big mistake on coming here!" he slammed to door behind him and all i heard was the gate open and a car drive away.  "Bitch!" i looked over to see Corey at the bottom of the stairs and started laughing. I looked up at Jake who was still hanging onto me and smiled "Thanks!" "For what?" he gave me a confused look "for protecting me." He let go of me and winked "I'm here. you'll be safe" I looked at everyone else who was kinda just looking around awkwardly, besides Colby he was just on his phone. I was getting kinda tired of the silence so i spoke up. "Vlog anybody?" I looked around and saw sam's head snap toward me "How about... LUNCH!"
I giggled at him a little and headed for the door and grabbed my car keys. "Are y'all comin!" everyone looked at me and then started sprinting to the cars outside.

Jakes pov:

Her little giggle was so cute i honestly really liked C and if anything where to happen to her i would be devastated. I felt bad for her because of her past but i never really understood why people would do stuff like that to their kids, i mean that's just cruel. I liked her a lot but i don't think she likes me and her and Colby seem really close i don't want to be the one to ruin that.

Colbys pov:

Jake and C seem to be really close as usual but i felt... jealous almost mad. i never let it show but i have told Sam. Of course i told sam he was the best of my world i wouldn't keep anything from him. I loved Clem but i don't know how to tell her. One day i'll tell her!

My boys {Colby Brock and Jake Webber}Where stories live. Discover now