Prank! pt. 10

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I woke up and the first thing i did was look at my phone, to see three texts from Colby, five from Jake, and two from Andrew. Devyn was already awake looking at her phone. "Hey." She smiled at me and i looked to where Kat was supposed to be. "Where's Kat?" "She went to get food." I nodded and sat straight up in the bed. It was only 10:45. I got up and walked to the bathroom to clear my thoughts. I splashed my face with cold water and looked at myself in the mirror. My mascara was smeared all over my face and my hair was a mess. I grabbed a towel from the rack and put it under the running water from the sink. I cleaned myself up and turned for the door. Dev opened the door as i was about to twist the door knob. "Oh sorry but umm Jakes calling you." I rolled my eyes and walked over to my phone. "Hello?" "It's Aaron!" I turned to Dev and gave myself a confusing look. "What?" "Come home pleas Aaron got into a fight with someone and he's bleeding out in the driveway!" "WHAT! We'll call 911 then! We're on our way!" I hung up and ran to the door. "Dev come on!" "What's wrong!" It's Aaron!" Dev gave me a confused look and grabbed mine and hers purse. "I'll call Kat." I pulled out my phone and called her. "Kat something's wrong come pick us up we need to go back to the house." "What happened is her ok?" "I don't know just come get us!" "Ok i'm literally 30 seconds away!" I hung up and reached the elevator. "Cmon stupid slow fucker! Fuck it go to the stairs." We ran to the stairs and down to the lobby to see Kat walking to the door. As soon as she saw us, she ran the other way to the car. Devyn ran to the car and hopped in. "Go!" I shouted at Kat and  we sped to the house. About 20 minutes later we got to the house and jumped out the car. I saw blood all over the driveway and Aaron passed out with Sam, Colby, Corey, Jake, And Chas freaking out. "What the bell happened." Kat ran up to Sam and grabbed his arm staring at Aaron. I ran over and knelt down by Aaron. "Fuck! Aaron wake up." I hit his chest to try to get him to wake up and he jumped up yelling. "HEY! I just wanted to take a nap!" I slapped him and felt a year on my cheek. "What the fuck i you scared the shit outa me!" Aaron hugged me and everyone around us started to laugh. "Welcome to the prank war!" I looked up at Corey and gave him a angry look. "Oh shit your actually crying!" Corey laughed and Dev slapped him. "Stop Corey!" "You knew!" I looked at Devyn "Ya this is why i planned this ,girls day'!" She put air quotes around 'girls day' and laughed. I was still crying and laughing at the same time. "So everyone knew!"  Chas laughed and put his hand on Jakes shoulder. "Talk to Jake her wanted to do it." I didn't really want to talk to Jake but i kind of forgive him. I felt bad for getting angry at him, but what he said I won't ever forgive him for. I walked up to Jake and hit his arm. "Ow! i'm sowwy!" He shot me a fake sad face. I wiped my wet face and laughed. "I hate you!" Everyone laughed and Colby hugged me. "Don't worry Jakes cleaning all this shit up." I giggled and looked up at him. "I'm going inside!" I flung my arms in the air and walked through the door pulling out my phone as i shit it. I looked at the texts from Andrew and smiled. 'Hey! It's Andrew from last night.' 'Do you wanna meet up or come over to my house sometime today?' 'Hi!' i replied 'I would love to send me your address and i'll be over in about 20 to 30 minutes' He sent me his address and i got ready to go.

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