In trouble pt.12

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I woke up in my room on my bed with a blanket over me. Someone must have carried me to my room? I sat up and grabbed my phone. I had a few notifications but nothing from Andrew. I went to my contacts and blocked him before i could get a text from him. I stood up and walked to my closest and grabbed some cloths so i could take a shower. I grabbed tight shorts and a hoodie and walked out my door to see Aaron and Colby talking in the hallway. "Hey C." I gave Colby a slight smile and started walking to the bathroom. "Are you ok?" I looked over at Aaron and nodded. I didn't say anything i just walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I took a shower and changed. "Hey C can we talk?" I heard Devyn on the other side of the door. "Ok." I wasn't trying to sound as depressed as i was. I walked out of the bathroom to see Devyn and Kat standing outside. "What's up?" "Are you ok? Colby told me you didn't talk to him and Aaron, we're all worried about you C. You can talk to us if you need anything." She said in a soft voice. Honestly i didn't want to talk to anybody i just wanted to grab a snack and watch movies all day in my room. "I'm fine I swear." I gave them a fake smile . Devyn hugged me and smiled. "Pleas talk to us we're all here for you." "I will if i need to." I grabbed my clothes and walked past them to my room. I shut the door behind me and threw my cloths in the basket by my desk. I sat down at my desk and opened my laptop. I found Netflix and opened the app up. I got up and walked to the door. As i walked out i saw Corey walking up the stairs. "hey C." "Hey." "Do you still want to come to the mall with me?" I completely forgot about that but i also didn't want to let Corey down. I told him i was going. "Ya i'll go, when?" "Maybe around 1:00 1:30." "Alright text me." I walked past him down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Fuck bro!" I heard shouting from the TV room and walked in. "You good?" i saw Sam and Jake playing rocket league and they both looked at me. They laughed a little. "Ya, just raging." I shook my head and turned around. "What did you guys do to Andrew yesterday?" I stopped and turned around. They both looks at each other and grinned. "well let's just say he ran." I rolled my eyes and walked back in the kitchen. I grabbed some ice cream from the freezer and walked back up the stairs to my room. About two hours latter I got a text from Corey. He told me to come to his room so we can figure out what to get Devyn. I walked out of my room to his room and opened the door. "Corey are you ready?" "Ya come in!" I walked in and sat on his bed. "Ok so i was thinking that we could get her some bracelets or something like that and a giant teddy bear." I smiled "Well if it's your one year you should get her like snacks and stuff to and take her to a movie, that sounds cute." He smiled and nodded. "That's perfect." "Alright then! Let's go!" I laughed and stood up. We walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I saw Jake and Colby talking in the hallway and looked down at the ground. I didn't want to talk to them, not right now at least. Corey grabbed his keys and opened the door. "Ladies first." I giggled a little and walked out the door to his car. He unlocked it and we got in. "So we go to the mall grab her stuff maybe get some food and come back." I nodded "Alrighty then." He laughed and started the car. We pulled out of the driveway. I looked out the window to the house and tears up a little. I hated that i couldn't be happy with people all the time, and that people where such assholes nowadays. I was hard to deal with stuff like that. About 15 minutes latter we pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. I stepped out and waited for Corey. We walked in the mall together and walked into the first store. "Ok we'll split up. You go to Claire's and get her some earrings and stuff like that and i'll go look for other things she might like." "Damnit do i really have to go alone." I rolled my eyes and gestured him to go. He laughed and walked off. I walked into H&M and looked around. I found nothing their. I went to Bath and Body Works a s grabbed a few candles for me and some for Dev. 20 minutes went by and i was walking by Hot Topic when i saw a few cute things so i walked in. I saw some cute outfits and grabbed them. Devyn was around my size so i figured that they would fit her. As i was walking out i heard a familiar voice behind me. "Nope she ran." I looked to see Seth and... wait, ANDREW! I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them together to show the roommates when i looked back up to see SETH LOOKING AT ME!!! FUCK! I practically flew to Claire's to find Corey and saw him outside of the store. "Corey!" I ran up to him and grabbed his arm. "We need to go NOW!" He gave me a confused look. "What's wrong?" "Seth and Andrew are here!" His eyes went wide and we ran to the exit of the store. We threw everything in the back seat and drove off. I pulled out my phone to show him the picture. "Oh fuck! So it was all a setup Andrew tricked you!" I shook my head and looked down. "What do they even want with me!?" "Can we go get food, perhaps like sushi i need to get my mind off things." I looked at core and sighed. I was hungry and most of all STRESSED! "Ya sure but i still need to get her a stuffed animal and snacks." "Ok ya whatever just go pleas."

My boys {Colby Brock and Jake Webber}Where stories live. Discover now