hes back pt.9

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I woke up with dry tears on my face and makeup smears all over my sheets. "fuck my life."  I sat up and just stared at the wall. I got up and grabbed some cloths. As i was walking out of my room i heard Sam and Colby talking in Colby's room. "We reached the like goal to go back to the Biltmore." Sam said but he didn't sound to happy. "Ok well. Do you think Clem will still go?" I really don't want to i might not. I'm not going, i've made up my mind. "I don't know." Jake walked out of his room and started to walk "C towards me "C I-" I looked at him and just ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it before he could get in. Sam and Colby where still talking in the other room and i just could faintly here them. "We... talk to.... Biltmore." "...k." I got undressed and hopped in the shower. As I was just about to get done i heard a little knock. "C it's me Dev." "Ok hold on. I shut off the shower and opened the door just a tiny bit so Devyn could only see my face. "ya?" "Get dressed Kats coming over and where having a girls day!" I looked at her and shook my head. "Dev i don't want t-" She cut me off and put a finger on my lips. "SHHH you ARE going and i'm making you." "Ok fine but i'm not promising i won't enjoy it." "Don't worry you will." and with that she walked back to her room. I walked out into the hallway with a towel around my chest and one in my hair. "Hey C." I turned to look and Colby was coming over to me. "Do you want to go to the bi-" i cut him of before he could ask me. "No i'm sorry but i'm not!" Jake walked out of his room and looked down at the floor. "Listen C, pleas." "I don't want to here it Jake!" Colby stepped back and walked to his room. He new what happened and probably didn't want to get in the middle of it. I don't blame him. "I didn't mean it!" "Sure thing!" I started to tear up a little "I have to get dressed, leave me alone." I walked to my room and locked the door. "C I'm so, SO sorry pleas, I never meant it and i never would do that to you. I was just mad." "GO AWAY!" I took off my towels and walked to my closet, grabbed short shorts and a crop top, slipped it on and swung the door open. "Jake i told you I-" I was cut off when he grabbed my face and kissed me. He pulled away really fast and gave me a slight smile. "I didn't mean to hurt you ok? I never meant it and i never wanted this to happen. I love you and i don't want that to change." He walked away leaving me standing their shocked. "Hey Clem you ready?" Devyn walked to me and put an arm around me. "Huh? Oh ya I'm ready." We walked down the stairs into the hallway. Devyn opened the door and i walked out to see Kat in the driveway. "CLEM DEVYNNNN!!!" she ran up to us pulling us into a group hug. "Ready for today C!" *Huh? What why was this just for me?* "What do you mean?" Kat let go to talk to me and smiled. "We did this for you, so you wouldn't have to worry about the boys today." A shot her a fake smile and started to walk to Corey's car. "ok so what car are we taking?" I looked at them both and Devyn started laughing "we're taking sam's." "Oh alright!" We walked to the car, started it, and drove away. "Ok so, what are we doing today?" Devyn looked back at me. "So first we're gonna go on a little shopping spree, next nail salon, then we're staying at a hotel and going out to eat." "Damn that's a lot." Kat turned around and smiled at me "Ya but first STARBUCKS!" I giggled "Ok!" We pull up to Starbucks and order. "Thanks Dev!" I smiled at her and she laughed. "Don't thank me now thank me in about a half hour." I gave her a confused look. About and hour after the mall we went to the nail salon and got our nails done. I got white shirt nails. Dev got purple long nails and Kat got silver long nails. We got to the hotel and got a room. We sat around for a bit and talked. I told them what happened with Jake and they just told me that i should forgive him. I didn't want to but i also feel bad, maybe he really didn't mean it. We got ready to go eat and walked out the door. As we where walking down the hall someone came up and asked to take a picture with all of us. We took a picture and talked for a bit and said bye. We drove to the place and walked in. "Hey guys! How many?" "Three." "Ok! follow me" the waiter smiled at us and started walking us to their seats. "Wow this place is nice!" we got to our seats and sat down next to four older guys. They where pretty cute they looked about 20 or around their. "Kat! Dev!" i whispered to them and they leaned in closer. "look at the guys behind me." The guys where now all looking at us but one of them was eyeballing me. "Hey C one is eyeballing you." She giggled and i rolled my eyes and smiled. "Ya ok not today!" i laughed and the waiter came walking over. "What can i get started for y'all!" "Can i get a blue moon!" Dev looked at the waiter and smiled "Ok one blue moon, for you?" The waiter looked at me and smiled.  "oh umm i'll have a dr Pepper." I'm not old enough to drink I'm only 19. "ok and for you." she looked at Kat and pointed her pen at her. She ordered and the waiter walked away. We talked and a few seconds later a different waiter came and gave us our drinks. "Thanks!" I said as she gave me my drink. "Guys." I looked over to Kat who looked really scared. "What's wrong?" I was confused but still curious. "Seth's right their." I turned to see Seth who was standing in the corner staring at us. "Fuck! is he like a stalker or something?" Dev looked pissed but didn't try to start a scene. "I have an idea." Kat and Devyn looked at me and cocked and eyebrow. I turned to the guys behind me and smiled. "Hey uhh do you guys want to come sit with us?" The guys looked at each other. "Oh sure why not."  "all right pull up your table next to ours." i said with a smile. Kat leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Good idea!" She leaned back in her seat and grabbed her drink. The guys sat down, three next to Kat and Devyn. The guy who Kat said was eyeballing me sat down beside me. "So what's your name?" "Clem but everyone calls me C." "Ok C, i'm Andrew." We where talking and having fun when we interrupted by Devyn. "Guys it's Seth." I looked over to see him walking this way. "Fuck!" My hands started to shake and Andrew held onto me. "What's wrong." I looked at Andrew. "This Seth guy was a friends friend and he's just a stalker, he follows us around everywhere." Seth came over and looked at the guys. "What are you punks doin with my girls." I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. "We're not your girls you fucking freak and they have boyfriends, you can't just make us your 'girls', get lost nobody wants you here. I stood their staring at his until he said something. Seth came closer to be but Andrew stepped in before he could touch me. "Alright listen i don't k ow who the fuck you are but you shouldn't do that!" Andrew stayed in between us until Seth stepped back. I reached into my purse and pulled out my keychain with pepper spray, pocket knife and other self protectant things to try and scare Seth away. "Dude C, really your not gonna use that stuff on me your to much of a pussy." The waiter came up and asked if their was a problem. "Ya this guy has been following us for the past few days and we want him gone." "Sir i think it's time for you to leave." The waiter pulled him away and had security take him outside. We ordered our food and laughed until we had to go to the hotel. I got Andrews number before we left i mean... he was cute he had dark brown fluffy hair and bright green eyes. He was a lot taller than me but i'm only 5'0' so it wasn't a surprise. We got to the hotel talked for a bit and feel asleep.

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