Not who i thought you where. pt. 11

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I got ready to go to Andrews house. I took a shower and changed into a white crop top and leggings. As i was walking down the stairs and I heard someone behind me. I turned to see Jake walking with me down the stairs. "Hey can we talk?" He shot me a sad look and i walked with him to the living room. "I'm really sorry about what i said. I never should have said it and i never even meant it." As i was listening to him i couldn't help but stair at him. He was wearing grey sweatpants and had no shirt on. He noticed i was staring and gave me a little smirk. "You know it's rude to stair." He laughed and i gave him a shy smile. "Sorry i was just lost." i giggled and looked down at my feet. "I forgive you. maybe i shouldn't have blown up like that." I looked back up and smiled. "Are you going to the Biltmore?" I shook my head. "No i decided i'm not." "It won't be the same." I nodded. "Yea i know, i have to go a friends waiting for me." "Ok call me if you need anything." I smiled as i walked away. I grabbed my keys and walked into the driveway when i got a call from Corey. "Hey C, Tomorrow i'm gonna go to the mall so can you come with me to get Devyns present?" "Ya of course just text me or something i'm going to a friends house right now." I hopped in the car and started it. "Ok i'll call you or something." I hung up and started my way to Andrews place. A few minutes latter I pulled into his driveway and parked the car. I got out of the car and walked to the doer and knocked. "Hold on!" I heard footsteps and the door swung open. "Hi!" I giggled and and waved. "Hey Andrew!" I walked in and he shut the door behind me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the TV room. It was a big house with a large TV room and a big kitchen. He sat me down and ran to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. He ran to me and handed me a bowl of ice cream and popcorn. I laughed and he sat don next to me. " so what do you wanna watch?" He looked at me and smiled. "How about a horror movie." he smirked at me a turned on a scary movie. About halfway into the movie he put and arm around me and i cuddled into his chest. When the movie was over and we had eaten all our snacks he turned to me and smirked. "Can i show you something?" "Uh sure." I felt a little weird but i didn't want to be mean. He pulled me into a bedroom and sat me on the bed. "What's are you doing?" he shut the door and walked over to me. I giggle nervously and looked at the door. "Seriously what are you doing?" He pushed me over and got on top of me. "I know we only meet yesterday but, your really hot." He kissed me and i pushed him away. "You are not the person o thought you where." He was practically talking control over me and i didn't like it. I pushed him off me and ran to the door to grab my phone. "Where are you going!" I heard him running after me. I grabbed my purse and phone and ran out the door to my care and sped off. "FUCK!" I slammed on my breaks and hit my steering wheel. I started to break down in tears. How come every guy i meet they turn into complete and total assholes. I pulled out my phone and called Kat. "K-Kat!" I was still balling while i was trying to talk to her. "What's wrong?" "I need you to meet me at the front door i'll be their in 10." "Girl. What happened? Are you ok?" "No! I'm not fine! Just meet me at the front doors." "Ok i'll be here." I heard Sam start to talk in the background. She must have had me on speaker. I was still balling as i pulled into the driveway to see the whole house outside. I parked the car and Kat ran over to me. She helped me out of the car and hugged me tight. "What happened are you ok?" I pulled away from her and wiped my face. "You know that guy i said i was going to meet up with." She nodded. "He tried to take control of me! Every fucking guy i meet is either an asshole or a fucking weirdo!" Everyone heard me and Kat talking and Walked up to us. "Did he hurt you?" Kat said. "Did who hurt you!" Colby spoke up from behind me and grabbed my shoulder. "The Andrew guy i said i was meeting up with today." Colby ripped my phone out of my hands and opened it. Everyone knew each other's passwords in case something happened. He got the address from mine and Andrews text messages and ran to his car with Jake and Sam following him. "Where are you going!" Aaron shouted. "We'll be right back!" The left and everyone helped me inside. They sat me on the couch and talked to me about what happened. I eventually fell asleep on the couch sitting next to Kat.

A/N: hey! sorry for the shitty chapter but i'm only going to make 15 parts to this because i have so many other stories i wanna right so this will probably be one of my short ones. Thank you! 😊

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