Chapter Twenty Two

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The dinner went by dreadfully slow.

It was boring. As I expected it to be.

But having the complete view of Silver talking business, being serious, and doing that demanding thing he does so naturally was quite the entertainment.

I enjoyed it fairly too much.

Elijah tried to talk to me again, but I refused, telling him I wasn't in the mood for chit-chat. That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the truth either.

If it were Silver that had asked me what my favourite food was, I would have happily gone into great detail about each of my favourite meals.

My parents did most of the talking, which was mostly business with the Ceraso's. Silver's participation in the discussions was virtually immediate on every topic. He responded formally, correctly, and precisely. He knew exactly what he was doing and how to carry it out.

Although Elijah recognised my infatuation with him, he became irritable beside me, knowing that all of my attention was on Silver while he told me about the various cars he owned. Mamma caught my eye a few times, smirking, knowing well enough how deep I was starting to fall.

And Silver, well, he wasn't stupid. When he caught my eye, he'd discreetly smirk before sipping away the mischief.

Every time our eyes met, my heart beat faster. He was purely angelic, despite the fact his small smile was more devilish than angelic.

As we stood outside the restaurant, the Ceraso's had the valley bring up their cars, while our own personal driver stood outside the car, waiting for us to enter.

Everyone said their goodbyes, Silver and I were the only two who didn't engage, so I stood in front of him, shifting his view to me.

Upon facing him, the curious glint in his eyes sent butterflies racing through my stomach.

"Did you eat enough?" He asked me, digging his hand into the pockets of his pants.

I half-heartedly shrug. To be honest, I didn't as the portions were the size of my palm, although, it was delicious.

"I guess." He lowers his head to look at me, with no emotion in his gaze or face, I could tell he sensed the lie.

"Are you free the rest of the night?"

This sensation is rippling through my body. I couldn't put a name to it, but I was...pleased that he had asked. My teeth fumble with my bottom lip, and I direct my focus to my parents, who are standing by the car, conversing with the driver.

"I am..."

Bringing my gaze back to him, I find that he had never left me.

"Why don't you come home with me? I'll cook for you." He tilts his head to the side, observing me.

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