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ROGER STORMED INTO THE EMOTY BAR THAT YOU WERE WORKING AT. You were currently cleaning up and closing it up, you were the only one there as the rest of the staff had now gone home.

You turned around jumping slightly as Roger stood there staring at you.

"Hi" You said to him.

"i didn't get a dog" Roger said bluntly as he carried on standing there.

"Oh, that's erm, that's interesting" You stuttered out.

"no, no it's not interesting, okay, it's very not interesting, okay, actually it's 100% percent completely the opposite of interesting" Roger rambled on.

"okay i got it, Rog" You said as you interrupted him.

"you had no right to tell me you ever had feelings for me" Roger scolded you.

"what?" You stuttered out.

"i was doing great with Dominique 'til i found
out about you" Roger said as he raised his voice.

"Hey! i was doing great before i found out about you, you think it's easy for me to see you with dominique?" You shouted back.

"well then you should of said something before i met her" He told you as he stepped a step closer.

"i didn't know then!" You scoffed.

"and how come you never said anything to me?!" You asked him.

"there was never a good time" Roger claimed.

"Right, because you only had a year! and we only hung out every night" You told him.

"not...not.. every night" Roger mumbled. You glared at him as he tried to be sarcastic.

"and it's not like i didn't try y/n, but things got in the way, like french guys, or ex lovers, or french guys!" Roger listed.

"hey there was one italian guy okay, and do you even have a point?" You scolded him.

"the point is, i don't need this right now, okay it's too late, i'm with somebody else, i'm happy, this ship has sailed" Roger shouted as he stepped forward again.

"so what are you saying? you just want to push away feelings or whatever the hell it was that you felt for me" You shouted back.

"hey i've been doing it since the day i met you, i've gotten pretty damn good at it" Roger retaliated.

"Fine you go ahead and you do that alright?" You shouted as you pointed towards the door, Roger began walking towards it.

"fine" roger said

"i don't need your stupid ship" You shouted again as you walked towards the door.

"And you know what now i got closure" You shouted as he walked down the street. You slammed the door making sure to lock it. You kicked the door in anger.

You stomped towards the chairs as you sat down
holding your mouth as you were about to cry, you tried to hold it in, but you couldn't, you sobbed lightly as you put your head in your hands.

Realising you needed to get a grip of yourself you stood up and dusted the none existent dust of your apron. Turning around to walk back to the bar, you stood still as you saw that Roger was outside the door looking at you with a sad face.

You slowly walked towards the door where you then unlocked the door, opening it, Roger came towards you in a rushed manner and kissed you so passionately, his hands on your waist, your hands were on both side of his cheeks as you carried on kissing.

Pulling apart he whispered "i love you", you replied "i love you too" as you pulled him back into a kiss.

ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now