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FREDDIE HAD SUGGESTED THAT YOU WERE ALL TO GO ON A LONG ROAD TRIP TOGETHER. He knew all have been distant with each other lately and Freddie didn't like it so he made everyone squeeze in Rogers van as he drove them towards a secret destination.

However, that soon came an end when the car had started to make a funny sound, which then stopped the car altogether, pulling to the side everyone got out and looked at the Van which was smoking quite a bit.

"i think we tired it out too much" you told them.

"My van!" Roger exclaimed.

"oh shutup, we will fix it" Freddie told Roger, roger raised his eyebrows.

"go on then" Roger told Freddie as he made the motion with his hand to start working on the car.

"John please do it" Freddie glared at Roger as he proved Freddie right and Freddie didn't like that.

It has currently been a few hours, there was no way the Van could be fixed, it was more than gone at this point, so they are waiting for Paul to come with a mini bus which could actually hold you all and wouldn't break down.

"i'm starving" Roger moaned, you looked up at him and went into the van where you then grabbed your bag and pulled out a BLT sandwhich and gave it him, Roger pecked your cheek gratefully and unwrapped the foil and began to eat the sandwhich.

You had packed it for him because you knew that your boyfriend would get hungry.

"would he just hurry up, i'm tired and i'd like to go sleep in the next hour" Brian moaned.

"Everyone's fine it's just you, Rogers now happy with y/n's nice sandwhich, and y/n and John are playing tic tac toe with a rock they found and      y/n's won every time" Freddie chuckled as he watched you and John play.

"y/n does make me really nice sandwhiches" Roger praised you, making you lightly smile as you played with John.

Shrugging, Brian sat down on the floor with his back against the van and began to go to sleep. He assumed everyone would wake him up when Paul comes, which they did.

"cmon Bri, he's here" You gently shook him awake, fluttering his eyes open you smiled at him and stood up from crouching down, you grabbed your bag and your other belongings and went and sat down on a seat in the mini bus.

The rest soon followed and then once again you were heading towards the secret destination.

ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now