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THE BOYS HAD TOOK A ROAD-TRIP TO A STUDIO IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE WHERE THEY WEREN'T TO BE DISTRACTED. It was a private place on the country side and you missed your fiancé terribly, so you called Freddie and asked if you could come and stay there and surprise Roger.

Freddie quickly agreed, as soon as those words came out of your mouth that you wanted to come up to them he didn't even give it a second before saying yes.

So you were currently driving up to them, it was a few hours drive and you'd get there about 6pm. You were halfway there, you put music on. You were currently listening to "viva las vegas" By Elvis Presley. You absolutely adored him. You were absolutely gutted when he died, you're still hung up on his death.

It was an hour and a half later and you finally arrived at the house the boys were at. Parking your car you got out and got out the key Freddie left for you under the plant pot.

You didn't know that Roger had stayed home due to him not feeling very well. You knew the boys went out to go write songs, but that's the last you heard what they were doing.

Opening the door after unlocking it you stepped in and closed the door, You froze when you heard noises coming from the kitchen. You knew the boys were at the studio across from the house but you didn't know they were back. None of their shoes were to the right of the door on the shoe rack.

Slowly creeping into the kitchen, Roger grabbed the kettle and charged towards you causing you to scream.

"Roger put that down" You screamed at him in terror as the kettle was so close to your face, your eyes were scrunched up.

"Oh god, baby you scared me" Roger let out a breath as he put the kettle down and pulled you into a hug.

"You scared me" You giggled into his chest. Pulling out of the hug, he kissed your lips softly.

"What are you doing?" He asked you with his eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as he tilted his head slightly with a smile on his face.

"i'm currently standing here with you?" You told him confused.

"Funny, i meant what are you doing here?" He asked you.

"i missed you so i came here to surprise you" You smiled at him.

"You staying here for the rest of the week?" He asked you as he went and put the kettle back over to where the tea and coffee stuff was. You sat down on the stool that were by the table.

"i am yes" You agreed.

"want a cup of tea love?" He asked you.

"yes please" You replied with a smile. He began making your cup of tea for you.

"i love you" He told you.

"i love you more" You smiled at him. He came around to you and turned you around so he was infront of you.

"not possible" He softly told you as he pulled you into a kiss.

ROGER TAYLORWhere stories live. Discover now