Two Weeks

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Two weeks? It's really been Two weeks?
It feels so much longer!.

I finally put the last book from the shelf into a box and seal it up.

I stand back to look at the scene. Boxes are sorted into four piles.

Donations, throw away, take and storage.

My 'take' pile is quite small but there is only so much I can get to the airport and on a flight.

I hear a knock at my front door. I go to open it and Anna is standing there.

"The removal guys are here for the boxes" she smiles. "I've told them to come straight up to get them".

All of my big furniture has gone already. I donated most of it to a woman's shelter so they can help furnish homes for the families that need it.
The boxes of items are going there too. I'm not going to be able to take it all with me so it's better to be given to someone that can use it all.

My 'storage' pile is going to my parents house. It's mostly old photographs and memorable items that I can't throw away. Even my childhood teddy bear is in there.

The removal men have been such a great help to me. They are taking the boxes to wherever I need them to go and even throwing away all the junk that I've been holding on to for forever.
I never realised I was such a horder!

Me and Anna watch the men take everything until only 3 suitcases are left in the corner of the now empty apartment.

"Wow, my whole life packed up in two weeks" I laugh. "Now I'm ready to start a new one"

Anna squeals at me. "Me too. I've totally missed Gee these past weeks. I can't wait to see him"

My stomach flips over and I get the butterfly feelings again. I realise I get to see Frank in less that 24 hours.

"I'm so excited too" I reply to her. "Talking iin the phone several times a day has been great but I just can't wait to be with him again"

I grab my suitcases and drag them outside, locking my apartment one more time and posting the key through the letterbox. I have officially moved out!

We walk downstairs and wait for the cab to take us to the airport. Loading up the back, I take one more look around.

"Bye old home" I mumble to myself as I get in the back seat.

After an hour's drive, we get to the airport.
We drag all our luggage up to the check in desk to register it all and book in.

The woman on the desk takes our tickets and scans them through the computer.

"It seems as if you both have been upgraded to business class" she says to us in a chirpy voice. She hands back our tickets and boarding passes. "The executive lounge is just on the right as you get into terminal 3. Enjoy your flight"

Me and Anna both look at each other and smile. I've never flown business class before. I feel very excited.

We get to the terminal and a steward shows us to the lounge.

"These are for you ladies" he smiles as he hands us a glass of champagne each. "Take a seat and relax until we call you for your flight"

We both go to the big sofa in the corner and slump down onto it.

"How cool is this?" laughs Anna, sipping her champagne. "I'm loving this new life already"

I scan the room and see a buffet table over by the window. It has all types of sandwiches and snacks on there.

"There is even a buffet" I giggle and pointed over to the table. "What the actual fuck is this? Is it a dream?"

"Fuck knows but I'm going to get something to eat" smirked Anna as she put down her glass and walked over to the table.

I grabbed my phone from my bag. There was an unread text on it.

"Hope you like the little surprise. Relax in comfort and see you when you get here. I love you. XoFrnk"

I smile at my phone. He is just the sweetest guy ever.

Anna gets back with a plate loaded with every flavour of sandwich. I show her the message that Frank had sent.

"Oh the cheeky bastard" she laughs. "But then again, cheers". She takes a bite of the food and smiles.

An hour passes and another champagne later, the tannoy announces our flight is ready to board.

We grab our bags and make our way to the desk.

"Two seated together for business class, right this way" says the young lady on the door as we enter the aircraft.

She shows us to our seats. There is a little cubicle room with two seats inside. So much leg room and it has its own TV!.

We settle into our little compartment and switch on the TV. We each have a pair of headphones and a little blanket and pillow.

"Ooh snuggles?" I laugh as I show them to Anna.

"Oh yes, I'm gonna sleep through the whole flight I think" she giggles back.

A flight attendant comes over and offers us some drinks. We take a couple of cans of coke. No more champagne or we will be drunk when we land.

We relax in our chairs, put the headphones on and decide on what movie to watch.

By the time we take off, Anna is already asleep under her blanket. She has a eye mask over her face to block out the light.
I take a cheeky picture of her with my phone. She will love to see that when she wakes up.
I flick through some of the channels on the TV until my eyes start to get heavy.
That champagne has made me extremely sleepy.

I lay my chair back, I close my eyes and put my head back onto the padded cushion of the seat.

I soon fall asleep, knowing that when I wake up, I will be with Frank.

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