The Job Description

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I've been working at The Strand Hotel for 6 years and this is the most excited I have ever been.

We have been told that a world-famous band will be staying with us for a month to finish off their new album.
They will be taking over all of the third floors and even making a couple of rooms into a makeshift studio.

It's been hard these past couple of months because of the pandemic that is spreading around the world. Our hotel has been closed off to the public and I haven't been able to go to work.

10 days ago, I got a call from my manager to tell me the good news that I can return back.
It's not going to be totally the same as before. The hotel will still be shut off from the public and the only guests will be this band and their entourage.

Also, I will have to stay at the hotel for however long it takes and take regular tests to make sure the whole hotel is free from this horrible virus.

There will not be full staff available either as only a selection of staff has been chosen to work for this special month.

I have to quarantine for two weeks before I go to work and move my life inside the hotel. It's been hard work staying at home but I'm actually looking forward to the challenge that is coming

I made sure I had everything I need in my apartment for the two weeks.
The cupboards stocked and the fridge and freezer was packed full of food so I didnt have to go out the door.
I was ready to carry out my quarantine before I move.

Me, my manager and the rest of the team that will be staying in the hotel have been having daily meetings via zoom calling on my laptop.

We get briefed on the work we will have to carry out.

There will be four chefs in the kitchen.
Antonio, Bobby, Lizzie, and Charlie.
They are the best chefs I've ever met, especially Lizzie, she makes the finest pastries. They are delicious.

We have four cleaners working to make sure all rooms are serviced.
Zara, Dean, Jamie, and Claire will be in charge of that department. They are a good team together.

Four butlers for room service and general help. The restaurant will still be closed so all food is served via these guys. Andrew, Mike, Jack, and Rob will be running that department as well as Tom and Ben who run the bar.

Then there is me and my best friend Anna who works at reception, along with Terry. We will be in charge of calls from the group and any needs they will require.

All around, a brilliant group of people to be doing this challenge with.

We have all been given a rota with times and dates of every shift that is required for us to do for the first weeks that we are working, then it will be revised. That way, every section has someone in it at all times and we get some downtime too. Not that we can go out for walks, except in the gardens. We do get all our meals paid for and cooked for us so I supposed that is a big bonus.
It's like a military operation.

Me and Anna have known each other since we both started working at The Strand around the same time.
She's so cool. She has bright blue hair and her humour is just as dark as mine.
If I wouldn't know, I'd say we were sisters as we are so alike. We even found out we liked the exact same things when we were growing up. It's like we are soul sisters. She has a very unique sense of style which I love about her. Her attitude to life is very laid back and being with her makes me feel so carefree. She definitely is one of kind.

Since the pandemic started and we have all been home, I've called her every day.
We have spent many hours just video calling and talking like we were in the same room. Some nights I'd even fall asleep while she was still on the phone and she would do the same.

I'm so happy we both get the opportunity to experience this task together.

These two weeks have passed by very quickly so at least I can start to feel somewhat normal soon and get back to work.
It will be strange living in the hotel but I'm sure there are staying in a 5-star accommodation can't be that bad, especially when you are being paid for it.

I've started to pack all the clothes that I need. I've packed some photos and things from around my apartment to make my bedroom a bit more homely.
I have 3 cases packed so far. I'm really hoping I don't need anything else as I don't know if I can ship them all to the hotel in one go.

I spoke to Anna today and she has 5 suitcases full of her items so I don't feel as bad with just my three. She was even contemplating bringing her fish but I said that would be ridiculous.

After a briefing this morning with Terry, I've found out the name of the band that will be using the hotel for the upcoming weeks. My Chemical Romance is the name.

I googled them as I didn't know much about them. I knew they had been big in the early to late 00's and have listened to a couple of their songs but never really followed the band or been a fan like many others.

I told Anna the name of the band and she starts getting very excited. She has been a fan of them since their first album came out about 20 years ago. I think I'm going to have to try and calm her down when she first gets to meet them. Apparently, she used to have a huge crush on the front singer, Gerard. This could be very interesting, especially for her.

I suppose we will find out in the next few days when we all move in together.

Quarantine Hotel (My Chemical Romance Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ